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    Don’t Shun the Spotlight

    astrologyIt’s show time, lover! Cosmic curtains are drawing open and inviting you to step onstage. Don’t shun the spotlight. You’ve been rigorously rehearsing, whether you realize it or not. All is aligned to help you shine. In fact, the next few weeks will furnish a myriad of opportunities to unleash your most creative mojo. Afraid of the naysayers? Nonsense! “Poor is the soul whose pleasure depends upon the permission of another.” (Madonna)

    ARIES (March 21–April 19) Was it good for you, Aries? The Universe yearns to bring business in your boudoir from a slow simmer to a boisterous boil. Communication is key! Talk about your turn-ons.

    TAURUS (April 20–May 20) There’s no place like home, Taurus. Celestial signals urge you to sweeten your domestic dwelling now. Anoint your abode with friends and flavors that foster pleasant vibes and positive growth.

    GEMINI (May 21–June 20) Move mindfully, Gemini. The planets of love and luck are currently in cahoots to support even your most far-fetched fantasies. Thoughts and words become things. Choose the good ones.

    CANCER (June 21–July 22) Let’s face it, Cancer. You don’t take comfort lightly, and nor should you! Yet, the stars suggest that you create space for silliness now. Place more value on playtime.

    LEO (July 23–August 22) “Carb up” on love, Leo! This growth spurt in your state of being requires tremendous TLC. Heart-centered habits provide fertile ground for precious dreams to flourish.

    VIRGO (August 23–September 22) Get in the zone, Virgo. Metaphysical messages enter from every direction now. Take time to tune in daily. It’s high tide in the sea of your subconscious. Go surfing!

    LIBRA (September 23–October 22) Lead on, Libra! A loyal following is forming as you break new ground with big-time goals. Feeling sluggish? Step into the social scene for amusing inspiration and soulful support.

    SCORPIO (October 23–Career and reputation could catapult now, but there’s a catch. You must believe in what you’re selling, Scorpio. Only your most authentic aspirations are worthy of this much magic.

    SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21) Defying limits has always been your forte. But this cycle is something special, Sagittarius. Astral allies are lining up to lift you beyond measure. Face your fears, and fly!

    CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19) Cut your losses, Capricorn. Recent events have helped to clarify what it is you really want. Surrender your attachment to outdated desires, and feed what you know to be true.

    AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18) Check in, Aquarius. Right now, you’re realizing the results of past efforts with important projects & partners. Happy, honey? If not, it’s up to you to make joyful adjustments.

    PISCES (February 19–March 20) Improve your practice, Pisces. Be on the lookout for opportunities to enhance your higher education. Tasks and teachers you encounter now will prove to have a profound influence on your public standing.