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    Discovering Ultimate Freedom

    astrolIt may seem paradoxical that freedom is obtained by way of commitment. Aligning ourselves with a deliberate choice may surface fears about settling, missing out on the next best thing, or boredom. However, when we discover something we truly value, align ourselves wholeheartedly, and have the discipline to stay when it gets uncomfortable or hard, we will discover ultimate freedom. Rigidity is a form of control, and the parameters of commitments should be fluid, having the possibility of being updated and re-negotiated. It is time to stop searching and drifting around waiting for the next best relationship, job, idea, or cause. Spending ourselves fully will fill us deeply.

    ARIES (March 21–April 19) You are getting clear on the details of how you will execute your well-formed vision. A structured and disciplined plan is important to follow, and will keep you realistic and honest about where you actually are in the implementation. Your body and overall health will give you very clear signals if adjustments need to be made.

    TAURUS (April 20–May 20) Very specific aspects of your self-expression are looking for outlets to convey the deeper core of your soul’s longing. A little inner child therapy goes a long way for you right now. Having discipline and regularity in addressing old emotional wounds will calm the fears that you may be obsessing over. Make a plan to have fun.

    GEMINI (May 21–June 20) Your compelling desire to commit yourself more seriously in relationships will require that you humbly reveal what may seem like an endless list of line item details within your inner emotional world. Think of yourself as a humble servant to Love rather than a suave and romantic charmer.

    CANCER (June 21–July 22) You have a golden, and perhaps difficult, opportunity to adopt a routine that better suits your changing needs around your health and body. Set realistic and obtainable goals, and you will find that, over a short period of time, you will produce solid and lasting results.

    LEO (July 23–August 22) It is time to get serious and disciplined about your creativity. Following a detailed checklist might not seem creative or fun, but if you use it like a background riff, you will find yourself with plenty of room to scat. If you learn the steps to this discipline dance, you will liberate the depths of your potential.

    VIRGO (August 23–September 22) Set your intentions by listing your inner needs without becoming too attached to the form they will come packaged within. Take comfort in knowing that your home is secure within your own skin and bones, and, like a turtle, you can take it anywhere you go.

    LIBRA (September 23–October 22) You are mentally sorting out what in your life is working and what is not. You may have fresh ideas that excite you, but may find it difficult to implement any one of them. This is a slow and steady climb, so avoid the temptation to make hasty decisions for fear that you are stuck.

    SCORPIO (October 23–November 21) Make a list of your long-range life goals. Every day, take a step to work toward one of your goals. You are also being ordered to apply the maturity of small disciplined steps, rather than over reaching with big plans. This approach will land you safely on the summit in time.

    SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21) Push yourself to organize every arena of your life. You can no longer dazzle the world with just your gift of meaningful gab. Practice committing to whatever and whoever is in front of you now, and avoid the temptation to jump to the next horizon. The payoff is big…just the way you like it!

    CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19) It may not be as easy as usual for you to manifest. You are embarking on a period of letting go of your extreme efforts to produce results. If anything gets produced during this period, it will be because something larger than your own efforts used you as a channel. Breathe and let go. Something bigger has got you!

    AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18) If you are going to bring your life work into the community, you must start by sifting through your darkest fears. Until now, some of these personal demons have gripped you so tightly that they chocked out your full wattage. Spend some time working to dissolve what has held you back.

    PISCES (February 19–March 20) Other people will notice the hard work and discipline that have been added to your life recently. It may feel unfamiliar to be seen as a solid, capable, and sturdy force that you have become. Keep grounding yourself in the steps, rather than dreaming about the leap.