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    About Our Cover: 09.05.2024

    The cover of this September 5, 2024, issue of the San Francisco Bay Times is literally a Love Letter to Oakland. That is the title of the mural that is central to the image. Located at 4th and Oak Streets in Oakland, the mural was completed in 2018 as part of the Bay Area Mural Festival. The individuals depicted in it are internationally recognized poet and activist Tureeda Ture Ade Mikell (, Emmy Award winner and artist James Gayles (, 2019 Oakland Youth Poet Laureate Samuel Getachew (, and multimedia artist Vanessa “Agana” Espinoza (

    The Oakland Tribune Tower is also shown in the mural that overall symbolizes the passing of the torch/light from one generation to the next. This care and concern linking generations is always evident at Oakland Pride, where LGBTQ+ achievements are celebrated and honored while also planning for the future.

    The mural was so well received that a second one, Love Letter to Oakland #2, was created at 51st and Shattuck Streets, and a third is now at Wattling and High Streets. For more information about those works:

    Members of the Bay Times team who live in Oakland value this forever underappreciated city that has some of the Bay Area’s most beautiful parks—there are 162!—incredible opportunities for viewing local plants and wildlife, restaurants and cafés that capture the essence of their neighborhoods, and most of all, a diverse population that reflects so many facets of America and the American dream. It is little wonder that Vice President Kamala Harris was born in this city so rich with hope and potential. Her family retains deep ties to Oakland that have not been reported on much, and we will share more about that in a future issue.

    Oakland also has one of the Bay Area’s largest LGBTQ+ populations. It is home to the Oakland LGBTQ Community Center and now the new Lakeshore LGBTQ Cultural District:

    Those who show love for Oakland with an open heart and mind can reap a multitude of lasting rewards. We therefore invite you to come celebrate with the San Francisco Bay Times at Oakland Pride on September 8, 2024, and to visit and support the many small businesses in the city throughout the year. They are the backbone of the local economy, and who knows? The young entrepreneur eager to make positive change may be another presidential hopeful one day.

    About Our Cover
    Published on September 5, 2024