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    About Our Cover 6.27.24

    The San Francisco Bay Times is honoring the past while preparing for the future, as evidenced in this extended Pride 2024 issue.

    In partnership with the James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center of the San Francisco Public Library, the San Francisco Bay Times is having all issues of the paper digitized, starting with the first issue that published in May 1978. As reported today, the initial collection of materials is now available for all to enjoy for free at:

    Another large collection will be available by late 2025, according to the Hormel Center, which is collaborating with California Revealed on the project. Upon the project’s completion, every issue of the paper—including the related publication Coming Up!—will be fully digitized. We are grateful for the help of Hormel Center Program Manager Cristina Mitra and her team for making this all possible.

    Longtime readers will notice that this Pride issue is in a news magazine format. We are exploring new formats to improve reader experience and facilitate larger issues while also meeting printer needs. Hard copies are still printed using plantbased inks and other sustainable materials and with as little waste as possible.

    While many other grassroots local papers, and particularly those by and
    for the LGBTQ+ community, have in recent years either ceased operations
    or downsized to all-digital formats, the San Francisco Bay Times is dedicated to maintaining its hard copy print editions while also improving and expanding its online presence, which includes the 24/7 live-streaming Castro Street Cam, other multimedia, eblasts, social media, complete editions at ISSUU, and now the new digitized archive.

    Published on June 27, 2024