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    Accept the Transient Nature of Everything

    astrolHave you ever noticed that the things we long for make us a bit sad or melancholy when we actual have them? Jason Silva passionately expresses this in his video Existential Bummer. Although we can land on the prize of our desire, some part of us knows it will disappear, like a mouthful of cotton candy, as fast as it appeared. We can either shrink from life in the delusion of protecting ourselves from being slain by loss, or we can accept the transient nature of everything, letting our ecstasy morph into tragedy, and our catastrophes awaken us to those essential parts of our awareness that can never be lost. Consider the distinction between having something and experiencing something.


    ARIES (March 21–April 19) It’s time to take your show on the road. Creative ideas are funneling through you like water in a sieve, with each stream carrying seeds of possibilities. These promising expressions of your personal vision will mature with time, and nourish you for years to come.


    TAURUS (April 20–May 20) Creation has many phases. Avoid the temptations to grab the remote control and fast-forward this current stage of suspension. Pent up energy may have you swinging your sword in vain, which only serves to frustrate you more. The quality of maturation is proportional to the quality of gestation


    GEMINI (May 21–June 20) All your recent hard work in your primary relationships has left you standing on a wealth of wisdom that now serves to support your untethered exploration of how to create the right livelihood. Taking a few social risks plants you in the vortex of co-journeyers who inspire your quest.


    CANCER (June 21–July 22) A rush of movement carrying you with the force of a landslide brings to light the futility of over-investing yourself in the illusion of stability. As you are sliding down the hill, have faith in the cycle of life and know that you will take shape again soon.


    LEO (July 23–August 22) Have no more disappearing acts in your relationship matters. Let the guarantee of your personal emancipation unshackle your voice until it authentically speaks your heart’s truth. Consequences will be mixed and unavoidable, while the release and liberation will be profound.


    VIRGO (August 23–September 22) Trying to stabilize your sense of home is worth the effort, however, there is an equally compelling hunger to be lost in love. With sword in hand, fiercely forge your way through the mysterious terrain until the right balance finds its way to you.


    LIBRA (September 23–October 22) Plunge into your relationships head first, but without thinking. Playing with fire requires you to relinquish safely guarded, undomesticated aspects of your otherwise courteous and accommodating nature.


    SCORPIO (October 23–November 21) Every creative risk taken, and every liberating truth spoken, elevates your self-worth spiritually and monetarily. The immeasurable possibilities will populate your universe so abundantly that you will feast for years to come.


    SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21) There is a longing running through your veins like a deep subterranean river searching for sunlight to warm its current. Rest, if you can, in the depths of your true home, and realize this longing is only met from within your own presence.


    CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19) Remember the Zen Koan, “If a tree falls in the forest and no one’s around to hear it, does it still make a sound?” While your attention is tuned inward and following your inner voice through poppy fields of Oz, your musings are meant for your ears only. Attempts to direct your voice outward will be like a deceased spirit struggling to communicate with the living.


    AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18) Your altruistic views are more visibly expressed and received in your community only when you accept and validate the current social contracts that bind the rest of humanity. Start by validating your own, more traditional, desires. Sometimes you have to be in the system to change the system.


    PISCES (February 19–March 20) With the rest of the herd temporarily longing in the way you signed up for in this life, you are bound to feel companioned and understood. This may temporarily challenge your identity of feeling lost, alone, and wanting. Ground your craft by taking mundane steps, and you will finally be paid.