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    Building a Future of Pride: My Commitment to LGBTQ+ Inclusion in San Francisco

    By Daniel Lurie–

    Our city needs a mayor who will stand up for the LGBTQ+ community not just during election season, but every single day. San Francisco has long been a leader in LGBTQ+ rights, but words are not enough. The challenges facing the community—especially trans women of color—demand real action, not just lip service when votes are on the line.

    As a lifelong San Franciscan, I’ve always felt the heartbeat of our LGBTQ+ community. Since launching this campaign, I’ve deepened my understanding through nonprofit site visits, roundtables with service providers, and conversations with the Alice B. Toklas and Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Clubs. These experiences have revealed urgent needs we can’t ignore. The LGBTQ+ community has always been central to San Francisco’s identity, and we must do more to protect and uplift it—especially during times of uncertainty.

    My plan focuses on key initiatives to uplift and support our LGBTQ+ community:

    Ensuring Public Safety for All

    Every San Franciscan deserves to live without fear. I will strengthen protections for the transgender community, fight hate crimes with real consequences, and ensure everyone feels safe reporting violence and discrimination. Safety is a right, not a privilege, and my administration will ensure that no group is left behind.

    Defending the Transgender Community

    A resident once asked me, “What will you do to protect my community?” That question drives my campaign. The murder of Michelle Henry, a trans woman, is a tragic reminder that hate still lurks. We must be unwavering in our commitment to the transgender community. I will champion gender-affirming care, mental health services for LGBTQ+ youth, and the creation of safe spaces for trans students. And yes, I will make San Francisco a sanctuary city for transgender rights.


    Revitalizing the Castro and LGBTQ+ Nightlife

    Our LGBTQ+ cultural districts—like the Castro, Leather, and Trans districts—are pillars of our identity. I’ll focus on public safety and cleanliness to bring vibrancy back to these areas, supporting local businesses, and promoting LGBTQ+-friendly nightlife that reflects the heart of our city. The Castro isn’t just a place; it’s a symbol of hope and resilience for the LGBTQ+ community worldwide.

    Elevating LGBTQ+ Arts and Culture

    Art tells the story of who we are. It’s time our cultural institutions serving the LGBTQ+ community receive the support they deserve. I’m committed to making sure these groups are funded equitably, strengthening our city’s cultural fabric, and amplifying LGBTQ+ voices. By doing so, we ensure that San Francisco remains a beacon of creativity and pride.

    Ending LGBTQ+ Youth Homelessness

    Recent surveys show that 38% of our homeless youth identify as LGBTQ+. When I led Tipping Point Community, we worked with Larkin Street Youth Services to develop programs for these young people. As mayor, I will build on this work, focusing on housing, healthcare, education, and job opportunities, with the goal of bringing LGBTQ+ youth homelessness down to zero.

    Expanding HIV/AIDS Prevention and Support

    San Francisco was a beacon of hope during the AIDS crisis, and we must continue that legacy. I will allocate significant resources toward HIV/AIDS prevention and care, especially for long-term survivors. I’ll also support the city’s Getting to Zero campaign to end new infections, particularly in communities of color.

    Strengthening Mental Health Support

    LGBTQ+ individuals face unique mental health challenges. I’ll prioritize programs that provide targeted mental health services and train healthcare providers to offer compassionate, competent care to our LGBTQ+ community. Mental health support is not just a service; it’s a lifeline for many, and we must ensure these resources are accessible to all.

    Affordable Housing for LGBTQ+ Seniors

    Visiting Openhouse opened my eyes to the housing needs of LGBTQ+ seniors. We need more affordable housing, and I’ll streamline the city’s bureaucracy to get it done. Our seniors should age with dignity, security, and community. Housing is fundamental to the safety and well-being of LGBTQ+ seniors who often face isolation and financial insecurity.

    Removing Prop 8 Once and For All

    Prop 8’s ban on same-sex marriage still exists in our state constitution. This November, we have the chance to remove this stain from our laws. I stand firmly with the effort to strike it down and reaffirm our commitment to marriage equality. Vote yes on 3.

    San Francisco must remain a city that leads the way on LGBTQ+ rights. As your mayor, I’ll ensure the community’s progress continues—not just in words, but in action. Together, we can create a future where every LGBTQ+ San Franciscan feels safe, supported, and proud. Learn more about my vision at

    Daniel Lurie is the Founder and former CEO of Tipping Point Community.

    Election 2024
    Published on September 19, 2024