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    GGBA Message from Leadership: Lessons from 2020 & Hope for 2021

    By Michael Gunther– Well, what a year 2020 was! As I look back on our organization’s journey over last year, I’m grateful for many things, including all of the “firsts”…

    GGBA Member Spotlight: Nasser Mohamed, MD, of Osra Medical

    GGBA Member Spotlight: Nasser Mohamed, MD, of Osra Medical

    Board Certified Family Physician Nasser Mohamed, MD, has a remarkable story to tell about how he started his successful business, Osra Medical, and about his life and work. We are…

    GGBA: A Time to be Thankful

    GGBA: A Time to be Thankful

    By Michael Gunther– Message from Leadership– What a year this has been! We’ve seen ups and downs in the ever-changing economy, challenges in growing businesses during the pandemic, a never-ending…

    GGBA Member Spotlight: Karla Campbell of 4 Directions Consulting & Coaching

    GGBA Member Spotlight: Karla Campbell of 4 Directions Consulting & Coaching

    Karla Campbell, Founder of 4 Directions Consulting and Coaching LLC, helps leaders create a new definition of leadership for themselves and their organizations. That definition accounts for the emerging challenges…

    Supporting Small Businesses in the Castro & Beyond: Crystal Way, Marcello’s Pizza, 440 Castro

    Crystal WayNoon–6 pm daily2335 Market Street415-861-6511crystalwaysf@gmail.com San Francisco Bay Times team members often have turned to Crystal Way when a gift is needed that is sure to surprise and delight.…

    GGBA Message from Leadership: Strength Through Ambiguity

    By Michael Gunther– 2020 is certainly on the list of “craziest” years on record for business owners. We are striving to get through the pandemic, an uncertain economic fallout, and…

    GGBA Member Spotlight: Dan Bodner of QuickHaven Transitional Shelters

    GGBA Member Spotlight: Dan Bodner of QuickHaven Transitional Shelters

    Since 2001, Dan Bodner has been the founder and CEO of Fido Systems LLC (, an outsourced IT firm. His daily commute from Oakland to downtown San Francisco passes sidewalk…

    Just for Fun & Scribbledoodles, Flowers of the Valley, Mixcoatl Handicrafts & Jewelry

    Just For Fun & Scribbledoodles3982 24th Street415-285-4068Contact: David EilandJustForFun@justforfunsf.com 10 am–5 pm Daily Since its opening in 1987, locals have enjoyed shopping at this LGBT-owned business for more than three…

    5 Ways to Grow Your Business with the GGBA in 2020

    By Krystal Drwencke and Aaron Lander– As the world pushes through the middle of 2020, it has become apparent that our relationships and communities are more important than ever. With…

    Christopher Lintz of CHEER SF and the CHEER For Life Foundation

    Since 1980, CHEER San Francisco—the official cheer team of the City and County of San Francisco— has been thrilling crowds locally, nationally, and internationally with their unique brand of high-energy…