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    Mascarpone Is a Sweet Gay Romance

    Mascarpone Is a Sweet Gay Romance

    By Gary M. Kramer– The fabulous Italian confection Mascarpone, now out on VOD and DVD, has Antonio (Giancarlo Commare), bereft after breaking up with Lorenzo (Carlo Calderone), his husband of…

    Sister Dana sez, “Happy HARVEY MILK DAY…”

    Sister Dana sez, “Happy HARVEY MILK DAY…”

    Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun– By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Happy HARVEY MILK DAY (May 22), a hero upon whose shoulders we stand for the fight for…

    The Joy of Binging

    The Joy of Binging

    By Jan Wahl– I have always been a big screen gal. Sitting in a movie theatre and letting a movie unspool is heaven to me. But we live at a…

    Better Nate Than Ever Features Queer Teen with Broadway Dreams

    Better Nate Than Ever Features Queer Teen with Broadway Dreams

    By Gary M. Kramer– A Pittsburgh seventh grader’s Broadway dreams are at the heart of out gay writer/director Tim Federle’s plucky musical Better Nate Than Ever, now available on Disney+.…

    Sister Dana sez, “May I be the first to wish a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY (May 8) to all you moms and drag mothers out there!”

    Sister Dana sez, “May I be the first to wish a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY (May 8) to all you moms and drag mothers out there!”

    Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun– By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “May I be the first to wish a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY (May 8) to all you moms…

    Smuin Champions Female Choreographers

    Smuin Champions Female Choreographers

    Smuin Contemporary Ballet has become an incubator for rising choreographic voices from within the company—female dancemakers, in particular. When Smuin dancer Brennan Wall joined the company in 2019, she was…

    More LGBTQ-Themed Picks for the 2022 SF International Film Festival

    More LGBTQ-Themed Picks for the 2022 SF International Film Festival

    By Gary M. Kramer– The 65th San Francisco International Film Festival (SFIFF) opens today, April 21, and runs through May 1 at venues around the Bay Area. There are a…

    Stories That Matter

    Stories That Matter

    By Jan Wahl– You know that feeling when you don’t want to put a book down or stop watching a great streaming series? It’s kind of wonderful, a reminder of…

    Sister Dana sez, “May I be the first to wish everyone a very Merry MAY DAY…”

    Sister Dana sez, “May I be the first to wish everyone a very Merry MAY DAY…”

    Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun– By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “May I be the first to wish everyone a very Merry MAY DAY—and may many, many dance…

    SF Film Festival Features Four Worthwhile LGBTQ Films

    SF Film Festival Features Four Worthwhile LGBTQ Films

    By Gary M. Kramer– The 65th San Francisco International Film Festival has announced their lineup for this year’s program, being held April 21–May 1 at venues around the Bay Area.…