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    Sister Dana Sez, “Have we already broken our New Year’s resolutions?”

    Sister Dana Sez, “Have we already broken our New Year’s resolutions?”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “Have we already broken our New Year’s resolutions? Well, take my annual Resolution Solution: ‘I resolve to be the best me I can possibly be.’…

    Reindeer Games

    Reindeer Games

    By Dr. Tim Seelig The holidays can just wear you out. Take heart, they’ll be over soon enough. Even holiday music can get old really quickly—like two days after Halloween…

    The Year in Queer Film 2016

    The Year in Queer Film 2016

    By Gary M. Kramer The year in queer film 2016 had both notable achievements—Barry Jenkins’ Moonlight, about three stages in the life of an African American man, chief among them—and…

    Sister Dana Sez, “The Holidays are here!”

    Sister Dana Sez, “The Holidays are here!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “The holidays are here! I will not be enlisting in the Christian Far Right’s fight against the ‘War on Christmas,’ and will feel free…

    Feinstein’s Presents

    Feinstein’s Presents

    Feinstein’s at the Nikko has announced Feinstein’s Presents, a new series showcasing world-class performers at larger venues throughout the Bay Area. Kicking off the series, Feinstein’s at the Nikko will…

    Closet Monster Deftly Mixes Harsh Reality with Fantasy

    Closet Monster Deftly Mixes Harsh Reality with Fantasy

    By Gary Krammer Closet Monster, opening December 2 in San Francisco, is a fantastic—as in great, as in surreal—Canadian film about Oscar (Connor Jessup), a confused teenager who confides his…

    Sister Dana Sez, “I’m still stuffed from the feast I had with friends on ThanksGAYing.”

    Sister Dana Sez, “I’m still stuffed from the feast I had with friends on ThanksGAYing.”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “I am still stuffed from the feast I had with friends on ThanksGAYing—a term I have coined because I am thankful that I’m gay. And then a…

    Romantic Gay Drama Lazy Eye Features Seductive, Sensitive and Very Eye-Catching Male Leads

    Romantic Gay Drama Lazy Eye Features Seductive, Sensitive and Very Eye-Catching Male Leads

    In writer/director Tim Kirkman’s poignant, romantic drama Lazy Eye, recently released on DVD, Dean (Lucas Near-Verbrugghe) is a Los Angeles-based graphic designer with the titular ocular problem. One day, out…

    Gratitude, Attitude and Spanks

    Gratitude, Attitude and Spanks

    f light. I thought and thought about that and looked deep inside for words to inspire and enlighten. Humor would be good if I could find some. I thought, “I’ll…

    Sister Dana sez, “I know I threatened to move to Canada if the election didn’t turn out.”

    Sister Dana sez, “I know I threatened to move to Canada if the election didn’t turn out.”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “I know I threatened to move to Canada if the election didn’t turn out my way, but it turns out Thanksgiving is here, and…