By Sister Dana Sister Dana sez, “Senate Repugnicans voted against a bill that would have reinstated long-term unemployment benefits for 1.3 million Americans – including more than 200,000 military veterans…
By Elaine Viegas For professional foodies, San Francisco’s Winter Fancy Food Show is like Christmas, Chanukah and birthdays all rolled into one. Since the countdown is now on for the…
Otis Charles, First Openly Gay Bishop April 24, 1926 – December 26, 2013 The Rt. Rev. Otis Charles died peacefully on December 26, 2013, at San Francisco’s Coming Home Hospice,…
“They wiggled, they jiggled, they wore low cut gowns and short shorts, they kowtowed to the club owners and smiled at the customers…and they did it all, just to play…
By Melanie Berzon As Bird said, “Now’s The Time”…to honor our Jazz Sisters! We at KCSM, The Bay Area’s Jazz Station, do just that on a regular basis throughout our…
By Tony Jasinski The University of San Francisco hosted an LGBT event as part of its men’s basketball program game against Pepperdine University on Saturday, January 4th. It’s believed that…
By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “Sooooo, have you already broken your New Year’s resolutions? Lose weight? Stop boozing? Change your drag?? Fuhgeddabouddit! Do like Sister Dana does…
Our hometown football heroes are in the quest – they call it the “Quest for Six” – for another Super Bowl win. The hope is to add yet another to…
The poignant Cuban drama Una Noche, now out on DVD, is narrated by Aris Mejias, who voices the thoughts of Lila (Anailían de la Rúa de la Torre). Lila is…
Deb Stallings, Director of Development at Horizons Foundation, tells us that Horizons has created a great tool to help donors make tax deductible year-end gifts to the LGBT community, though…
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