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    Sister Dana sez, “Will Trump EVER stop campaigning?!”

    Sister Dana sez, “Will Trump EVER stop campaigning?!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Will Trump EVER stop campaigning?! He threw out all kinds of red meat to his alt-right creeps at the American Conservative Union…

    Sister Dana sez, “The pro-DACA Dreamers’ semi-sensible Schumer-Rounds-Collins Immigration Bill was denigrated by the White House (or should we call it ‘the Orange House’?)

    Sister Dana sez, “The pro-DACA Dreamers’ semi-sensible Schumer-Rounds-Collins Immigration Bill was denigrated by the White House (or should we call it ‘the Orange House’?)

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “The pro-DACA Dreamers’ semi-sensible Schumer-Rounds-Collins Immigration Bill was denigrated by the White House (or should we call it ‘the Orange House’?) because T-rump &…

    Sister Dana sez, “What are the far right Repugnicans talking about when they say ‘The Deep State’?

    Sister Dana sez, “What are the far right Repugnicans talking about when they say ‘The Deep State’?

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “What are the far right Repugnicans talking about when they say ‘The Deep State’? The only deep state I know of has…

    Sister Dana sez, “Hey, Trump, how dare you refer to Haiti and some African nations as ‘sh**hole countries’ while discussing immigration reform with lawmakers at the White House.

    Sister Dana sez, “Hey, Trump, how dare you refer to Haiti and some African nations as ‘sh**hole countries’  while discussing immigration reform with lawmakers at the White House.

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Hey, Trump, how dare you refer to Haiti and some African nations as ‘sh**hole countries’  while discussing immigration reform with lawmakers at the…

    Sister Dana sez, “Happy Queer New Year!”

    Sister Dana sez, “Happy Queer New Year!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Happy Queer New Year! So, how many of us have already broken our New Year’s resolutions? Go on a diet? Exercise more? Stop smoking?…

    Sister Dana sez, [singing] “All I want for Christmas is impeachment soon. Impeachment soon…”

    Sister Dana sez, [singing] “All I want for Christmas is impeachment soon. Impeachment soon…”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, [singing] “All I want for Christmas is impeachment soon. Impeachment soon. Just impeachment soon. If we got impeachment soon, gosh oh gee, how happy…

    Sister Dana sez, “So far, DarnOld Trump has undone over 100 positive rules good for the nation that were initiated by President Obama. So, this is Making America Great Again?? As if!”

    Sister Dana sez, “So far, DarnOld Trump has undone over 100 positive rules good for the nation that were initiated by President Obama. So, this is Making America Great Again?? As if!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “So far, DarnOld Trump has undone over 100 positive rules good for the nation that were initiated by President Obama. So, this…

    Sister Dana sez, “Hey Congressmen, reaching across the aisle does not mean giving a reach-around!”

    Sister Dana sez, “Hey Congressmen, reaching across the aisle does not mean giving a reach-around!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Hey Congressmen, reaching across the aisle does not mean giving a reach-around!” Sister Dana celebrated Thanksgiving (or what I like to call “ThanksGAYing”) with three dozen…

    Sister Dana sez, “This year as always I am celebrating Thanksgiving Day but calling it ‘ThanksGAYing’—because I am truly thankful to be gay!”

    Sister Dana sez, “This year as always I am celebrating Thanksgiving Day but calling it ‘ThanksGAYing’—because I am truly thankful to be gay!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “This year as always I am celebrating Thanksgiving Day but calling it ‘ThanksGAYing’—because I am truly thankful to be gay!” Some of…

    Sister Dana sez, “Presi-dense Trump has made over 1,320 false or misleading claims over 265 days. Rhymes with peach?! Do it, already!”

    Sister Dana sez, “Presi-dense Trump has made over 1,320 false or misleading claims over 265 days. Rhymes with peach?! Do it, already!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Presi-dense Trump has made over 1,320 false or misleading claims over 265 days. Rhymes with peach?! Do it, already!” TRANSGENDER LAW CENTER celebrated 15 years…