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    Four LGBT FAQs in the Trumpocalypse

    Four LGBT FAQs in the Trumpocalypse

    By Michele Karlsberg Elizabeth Schwartz, the Miami family and estate attorney who helped win marriage equality in Florida, could not have had her book Before I Do published at a better time.…

    So You’re Engaged … Now What?

    So You’re Engaged … Now What?

    By Frederick Sullivan, C.W.P., and Jaime Botello If your partner recently popped “the question” and you said, “I do,” here are some immediate next steps to consider. Call Your Relatives—Even…

    Walking Is Wonderful

    Walking Is Wonderful

    By Cinder Ernst I’ve been a personal fitness trainer for almost 30 years—wow! Most of those years have been spent helping plus size reluctant exercisers become Easy Fitness movers and…

    Tell Your Story with Flowers

    Tell Your Story with Flowers

    By Chelsea Bowman Wonnell “The earth laughs in flowers.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson Laughter is needed at every wedding celebration … and so are flowers! The floral decor sets the scene…

    Poet in Residence: Kit Kennedy

    Poet in Residence: Kit Kennedy

    Kit Kennedy is the Poet-in-Residence of the San Francisco Bay Times and at her church Ebenezer Lutheran. She has published 5 poetry collections, and for the past several years she…



    By Tom Moon, MFT “The unexamined life is not worth living.” That saying, which Plato attributed to Socrates, succinctly expresses the basic value underlying psychotherapy and most other forms of…

    2016 Sports Year End Review: New Records and Standards Established

    2016 Sports Year End Review: New Records and Standards Established

    By John Chen 2016 has been a really intriguing and exciting year in sports. LeBron James finally won the NBA Title for the “land,” ending a 52-year pro sports championship…

    Who Says You Have to Have a Traditional Wedding?

    Who Says You Have to Have a Traditional Wedding?

    By Elaine Herman So, you’re getting married!  Every couple wants their wedding to be unique and to put their own personal stamp on the occasion, from the look of the…

    Denise Hobbs of The Lion King Reveals Show’s LGBT Themes and the Role Audiences Play

    Denise Hobbs of The Lion King Reveals Show’s LGBT Themes and the Role Audiences Play

      The Lion King is back in San Francisco for a limited run, and we more than highly recommend it. If you have already seen one of the productions, we…

    Captain Nutcracker Brings Fantastic to Dance-Along Nutcracker®!

    Captain Nutcracker Brings Fantastic to Dance-Along Nutcracker®!

    By Heidi Beeler Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a parasailing ballerina? No! It’s Captain Nutcracker—with his caped sidekick, Clara! For its 2016 Dance-Along Nutcracker:…