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    10 Years of the New de Young

    10 Years of the New de Young

    On October 15, 2005, amid celebrations, speeches and ceremonies, the people of San Francisco welcomed a new museum building unlike anything they had ever seen be­fore. A decade later, this…

    SF Bay Times Photographer Rink Featured in New York Exhibit

    SF Bay Times Photographer Rink Featured in New York Exhibit

    Three images taken by legend­ary San Francisco Bay Times pho­tographer Rink are featured in the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art exhibit, On the Domestic Front: Scenes of Every­day…

    Chaos, the Precursor to Change, Is Ruling Over Many Relationships Now

    Chaos, the Precursor to Change, Is Ruling Over Many Relationships Now

    Astrology By Linda Amburgey We cannot fully trust another if we are unable to maintain our autono­mous self as relationships call us into negotiations. If you truly wish to be…

    An Ideal Wedding Rehearsal

    An Ideal Wedding Rehearsal

      I was part of an ideal rehearsal the other week. I met the couple at their wedding venue, the Bernard Maybeck-designed Forest Hill Club House. We discussed logistics, chatted…

    Surviving Unrequited Love

    Surviving Unrequited Love

    By Tom Moon, MFT Q: I regularly see a man in a gay so­cial organization to which we both belong, and he pushes all my buttons. He is friendly to…

    Destination Weddings

    Destination Weddings

    The first I ever heard of destination weddings was when my daughter got married 11 years ago. She and her husband got married in Cabo San Lucas. I didn’t understand…



    By Michele Karlsberg Michele Karlsberg: What inspires you to write? RJ Martin: I don’t consider the act of writing as coming from inspiration. It’s more of a compulsion. What I…

    Title Dress Your Table for Halloween

    Title Dress Your Table for Halloween

    By Courtney Lake A friend professed to me that he found Halloween’s only redeemable quality as being it gave attractive people an excuse to dress slutty. However, if you have…

    Title Relationships Reign Supreme Now

    Title Relationships Reign Supreme Now

    Gypsy Love Productions is dedicated to inspiring love and unity with music, dance, and astrology.     By Gypsy Love    We’re all in this together, lovers. Astrologically, relationships…

    Injustice Collectors

    Injustice Collectors

    Some of the unhappiest people I’ve ever met are “injustice collectors,” an evocative phrase that most of us intuitively understand as soon as we hear it. Injustice collectors ruminate continually…