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    Opera Superstar Frederica Von Stade to Sing Street Requiem in Support of Homeless Choir

    Opera Superstar Frederica Von Stade to Sing Street Requiem  in Support of Homeless Choir

    Famed mezzo-soprano Frederica von Stade will join with a mass chorus of singers and chamber orchestra in two California premiere performances of Street Requiem by Australian composers Dr. Kathleen McGuire,…

    A Dose of Cosmic Confidence

    A Dose of Cosmic Confidence

    It is time to live large as we express our individual and collective visions. This is a potent time to bring into manifestation those aspects of your life that may…

    San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus Readies for Incredible 38th Season: Expect The Unexpected

    San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus Readies for Incredible 38th Season: Expect The Unexpected

    By Dr. Timothy Seelig Next week, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus begins rehearsing its amazing 38th season: Expect The Unexpected. For the past 37 years, the Chorus has been…

    Creating Your Own Interfaith Wedding

    Creating Your Own Interfaith Wedding

    When I first learned about creating wedding ceremonies to honor and mark the important transitions in life, I was captivated. I grew up Quaker, a member of the Society of…

    Don’t Shun the Spotlight

    Don’t Shun the Spotlight

    It’s show time, lover! Cosmic curtains are drawing open and inviting you to step onstage. Don’t shun the spotlight. You’ve been rigorously rehearsing, whether you realize it or not. All…

    ‘Marlena’s Love Roast’ to Commemorate the 25th Anniversary of Marlena’s Reign

    ‘Marlena’s Love Roast’ to Commemorate  the 25th Anniversary of Marlena’s Reign

    By Will Roscoe and Joel Evans The LGBT community is roasting Marlena the Magnificent, Absolute Empress XXV, on the 25th anniversary of her reign. Marlena (a.k.a. Garry McLain) is a…

    Take It to the Floor

    Take It to the Floor

    It is odd to quote Yogi Berra when it comes to design, but he was on to something when he said, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll…

    Q&A with Dr. Warrick Stewart, Author of Don’t Give Up Before the Miracle Happens: A Relationship Guidebook for Same-Sex Couples

    Q&A with Dr. Warrick Stewart, Author of Don’t Give Up Before the Miracle Happens:  A Relationship Guidebook for Same-Sex Couples

    Michele Karlsberg: How long have you been doing couples counseling and relationship work? Dr. Warrick Stewart: I have been a Psychotherapist for more than six years. The majority of my…

    Making Peace with the Past 1: REACHing for Forgiveness

    Making Peace with the Past 1: REACHing for Forgiveness

    It’s a truism that if we want to be happy in the present, we need to find some measure of acceptance and peace in relation to the pain and disappointments…

    Humanity’s Shadow Is on the New Horizon

    Humanity’s Shadow Is on the New Horizon

    In astrology, Pluto is associated with Hades, the God of the Underworld. The underworld serves as a coping mechanism where we unknowingly stuff all of the fragments of ourselves that…