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    Relatively Speaking

    Relatively Speaking

    So…just how many lesbians does it take to feel like family? I’m not sure of an accurate number, yet I can tell you that our memorial celebrations feel like a…

    Feast or Fashion

    Feast or Fashion

    I began my foray into fashion very early in life. By age nine, I was already aware of making bold fashion statements, like the time I wore my “Happy Birthday”…

    Alone Again…Naturally

    Alone Again…Naturally

    I know that my friends love me. They let me know in countless ways. Recently, I noticed the looks of concern on some of their faces. It seems as though…

    Practice Love!

    Practice Love!

    I love Black History Month. Okay, so February is the shortest month of the year. Rather than feeling short-changed, I’ll simply keep this message brief and sweet. Now is the…

    Recycle Your Life

    Recycle Your Life

    Variety is the spice of life! At least, that’s the word on the street. For most of us, change is challenging to embrace and we sidestep it at every opportunity.…

    Caring for Self During the Holidaze

    Caring for Self During the Holidaze

    By Karen Williams It’s that time of the year when codependents rejoice, families freak out and the only real victors appear to be in retail. Whether we like or dislike…

    Joy! Joy! Joy!

    Joy! Joy! Joy!

    By Karen Williams Tis the season to be… Joyful? Just how am I supposed to do that? Or be that? What is joy anyway? I have to admit that I…

    My Heart…San Francisco!

    My Heart…San Francisco!

    I am on a plane en route to the San Francisco Bay Area, the land that I love! I speak of San Francisco and Oakland with unabashed affection to whomever…

    Halloween is Boo-tiful!!!

    I LOVE COSTUMES! I always have. Dressing up appeals to my imaginative sensibilities and though it is not historically documented, I am convinced that gay people “invented” Halloween. Who but…

    Butch Up!

    Butch Up!

    I love butches! Most of all, I respect them. Unlike their femme counterparts, they don’t get to pass. As a self-proclaimed out lesbian femme aggressive top — TMI — I…

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