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    Just-ly Married

    Just-ly Married

    In my previous column, I noted that I was about to get married. I hope you’ll forgive my ongoing self-indulgence as I write about my nuptials once more. One’s own…

    More Love and More Marriage

    More Love and More Marriage

    The latest California public opinion poll shows record support for marriage equality — 64% of likely voters and 61% percent of all adults. This news made us realize how wonderful…

    Marriage Involves Conscious Efforts

    Marriage Involves Conscious Efforts

    In every wedding ceremony in which I officiate I recite this quote: “Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate.…

    Forging a New Destiny

    Forging a New Destiny

    How do we discuss marriage with people who continue to think that same sex marriage is wrong? I don’t believe that explaining the historic facts around the biblical injunction would…

    Forging a New Destiny

    Forging a New Destiny

    When I was five years old, I was disappointed when my mother’s best friend Renée announced she was going to wed Tom. I had planned on marrying Renée, a vivacious…

    Weddings, Anniversaries & Occasions

    Weddings, Anniversaries & Occasions

    It is the season for weddings! Let us celebrate the long-awaited and courageously won legal decision that finally brings freedom to ALL people to MARRY, with all the rights and…