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    Parents’ Love and Acceptance Inspire Empowering Business

    Parents’ Love and Acceptance Inspire Empowering Business

    By Julie Peri– Growing up, I had some of the most accepting and loving parents. They let me dress however I pleased, wear my hair short, and follow my dreams…

    Fabulous Fran Meets Marvelous Marty

    Fabulous Fran Meets Marvelous Marty

    By Jan Wahl– Fran Liebowitz is an articulate social commentator, a writer and lecturer with original, outrageous thoughts on New York, American life, and the hell of other people. Martin…

    Pamela Means Interrogates Social Ills Through Music

    Pamela Means Interrogates Social Ills Through Music

    By Michele Karlsberg– Happy New Year. Happy Inauguration. With that, and our past president, comes to mind the Pamela Means song “Impeachment Now!” and her recently released tenth album Pamela Means and The…

    Astrology: Speaking to Your Soul

    Astrology: Speaking to Your Soul

    By Elisa Quinzi– If ever there were echoes of the dawning of the age of Aquarius, it’s now. As a multitude of heavenly bodies converge in the humanitarian sector of…

    Fierce Urgency to Remove Donald Trump From the Presidency

    Fierce Urgency to Remove Donald Trump From the Presidency

    By Andrea Shorter– “There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but he must take it because his conscience tells…

    2020: The ‘Dumpster Fire’ Year in Review

    2020: The ‘Dumpster Fire’ Year in Review

    By Louise “Lou” Fischer– Welcome to 2021. If you said, “2021 will be better; it can’t be any worse,” I blame you for jinxing it, or as my Jewish grandmother…

    Treasuring Our LGBTIQ Community Amidst a Crisis in Democracy

    Treasuring Our LGBTIQ Community Amidst a Crisis in Democracy

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis– As we began to settle from the shock of the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, we were surprised that one of our…

    How Much Money Is Enough for You?

    How Much Money Is Enough for You?

    By Brandon Miller, CFP– Mercifully, 2020 has ended. Sadly, our lives continue to be upended. It’s hard not to shout, “Enough already.” We long to hug our friends. We crave…

    Openhouse Executive Director Stepping Down

    Openhouse Executive Director Stepping Down

    Openhouse Executive Director, Dr. Karyn Skultety, announced on January 12 that she will be leaving the organization, as she and her family are moving to Colorado to fulfill family obligations.…

    Coming Out Stories: How an LGBT Youth Group Changed My Life

    Coming Out Stories: How an LGBT Youth Group Changed My Life

    By Joe Hollendoner, MSW– After surviving a childhood during which I was regularly made fun of for being effeminate, I suppressed my feelings of being different because the homophobia that…