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    Welcome to Soirée 2020

    Welcome to Soirée 2020

    By Rebecca Rolfe– As we work together to find a new, safe normal and brace for the election, we are keeping our eyes firmly on the prize: making sure San…

    SF LGBT Center Helps Small Businesses, Including The Nick Ricardo Collection

    Small businesses are a fundamental part of San Francisco’s heart and soul, and have been one of the hardest-hit groups during the pandemic. The Center’s small business services have supported…

    Why I Chose to Serve on the Board of the SF LGBT Center

    By Maceo Persson– Nineteen years ago, attending high school in Orange County, I was horrified by the overwhelming majority of “Yes on 22” signs in my community promoting a ban…

    Two New Improved Hybrids

    Two New Improved Hybrids

    By Philip Ruth– “The New Normal” is a term we hear a lot these days, but the public health situation around which it attempts to place structure is unfolding in…

    Wildfires and Climate Change

    Wildfires and Climate Change

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting– Waking up to a dark, hazy orange sky on September 9 was a simultaneously eerie and alarming experience. It felt like a scene from a futuristic…

    Time for New Solutions to Oakland’s Speeding Problems

    Time for New Solutions to Oakland’s Speeding Problems

    By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large– It seems that every day there is a report of a fatal hit and run or reckless speeding that has resulted in serious…

    In Memoriam

    Pioneering Transgender and Labor Activist Denise D’Anne Former Harvey Milk Club Co-President and early transgender advocate Denise D’Anne passed on September 2 at her Guerrero Street Home. She was 86.…

    Choosing Between a Connected Family and a Life Without Secrets

    By Emanuel “Manny” Yekutiel– I had a bag packed and ready in my closet, just in case. It wasn’t very large—just enough for a quick getaway in case I needed…

    Oakland Pride Week: September 6–13, 2020

    Held annually since its relaunch in 2008, Oakland Pride was conducted for 2020 in compliance with health guidelines addressing the current COVID-19 pandemic. The free virtual celebration took place during the week of…

    All Politics Is Local: Board of Supervisors Recommendations and Spotlight on Two Great Women

    All Politics Is Local: Board of Supervisors Recommendations and Spotlight on Two Great Women

    By Louise “Lou” Fischer– While the rest of the world is focusing on the nail-biting drama of the upcoming federal election and wondering if we will keep the House, flip…