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    2020 Gold Rush: San Francisco Welcomes Democrat Presidential Hopefuls

    2020 Gold Rush: San Francisco Welcomes Democrat Presidential Hopefuls

    By Andrea Shorter– Spring temperatures have been cooler than usual across the Bay Area, but the weekend’s political forecast is predicted to be thunderous and heated with the California Democratic…

    New Designs for Harvey Milk Plaza Revealed

    Friends of Harvey Milk Plaza (FOHMP) on May 15 revealed semi-final architectural designs for the Plaza and transit station at the corner of Castro and Market Streets. The designs, inclusive…

    Resolution Approved to Induct José Julio Sarria into the California Hall of Fame

    Resolution Approved to Induct José Julio Sarria into the California Hall of Fame

    Supervisor Rafael Mandelman on May 14 introduced a resolution in support of inducting José Julio Sarria into the California Hall of Fame. A week later, the San Francisco Board of…

    A Nod to Nonprofits

    A Nod to Nonprofits

    By Brett Andrews– Recently, a few members of my extended family started posting old family photos on Facebook. As you can imagine, it didn’t take me long to jump in…

    GGBA Member Spotlight: Dawn Ackerman of OutSmart Office

    GGBA Member Spotlight: Dawn Ackerman of OutSmart Office

    By Magdalena Rodriguez– Dawn Ackerman, the Immediate Past President of the Golden Gate Business Association (GGBA), is the CEO of OutSmart Office, the first and only LGBT “Tier One Supplier…

    Rainbows Over Taiwan

    Rainbows Over Taiwan

    By John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney– The rain poured down from the sky on Taiwan’s national legislature building on the morning of May 17, 2019, as lawmakers inside debated whether…

    Similar Sizes, Different Missions in Crossovers

    Similar Sizes, Different Missions in Crossovers

    By Philip Ruth– Compact crossovers are where it’s at these days, and why not? They combine the aura of an SUV with family-sized practicality, all nestled within parkable dimensions. While…

    Why I Ride in the AIDS/LifeCycle

    By Pam Schmitz– Like many people who participate in the AIDS/LifeCycle, I lost someone whom I cared about during the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s. I was just out of…

    San Francisco Travel’s Self-Guided Tour of Women’s History

    San Francisco Travel’s Self-Guided Tour of Women’s History

    When entertaining out of town visitors, such as for upcoming Pride, or for a great staycation, we recommend going on San Francisco Travel’s self-guided tour of women’s history. The tour,…

    Groundbreaking Video Mural at SFMOMA Features Bay Area Luminaries and Other Locals

    Groundbreaking Video Mural at SFMOMA Features Bay Area Luminaries and Other Locals

    San Francisco Bay Times columnist and legendary entertainer Donna Sachet, longstanding Bay Times columnist and “Fun Nun” Sister Dana Van Iquity, founding Bay Times contributor Cleve Jones, members of the…