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    Redecorate Your Life in 2018

    Redecorate Your Life in 2018

    By Dr. Tim Seelig– Is it just me, or have you also been inundated with more than the usual number of e-mails and posts telling you how to let go…

    Vacaville 1956: California’s First Gay Rights Protest

    Vacaville 1956: California’s First Gay Rights Protest

    By Dr. Bill Lipsky– The first known protest in California by a group of gay men against their mistreatment because they were homosexual, authorities said later, really began with a…

    Curated: Genre-Nonconforming: The DIS Edutainment Network

    Curated: Genre-Nonconforming: The DIS Edutainment Network

    Through June 10 at the de Young Presented by the New York-based collective DIS, Genre-Nonconforming: The DIS Edutainment Network, (aka The Network), reveals a “DIS-topian” take on the future of…

    Easy New Year Fitness

    Easy New Year Fitness

    By Cinder Ernst– Most folks drive themselves a little bit crazy this time of year with resolutions. You know what I mean … making big promises about weight loss, exercising,…

    Getting the Most for Your Medicare Dollar

    Getting the Most for Your Medicare Dollar

    By R. Ruth Linden, Ph.D.– The 2018 open enrollment period for Medicare, which falls between October 15 and December 7 each year, has closed. Medicare’s open enrollment window, however, only…

    Horizons Foundation Announces Grants to 42 Bay Area LGBTQ Organizations

    Horizons Foundation Announces Grants to 42 Bay Area LGBTQ Organizations

    Horizons Foundation recently announced the newest round of Community Issues Grants to 42 projects and organizations. All of us at the San Francisco Bay Times congratulate the grantees and thank…

    Make Sure Your Charitable Donations Have the Impact You Want

    Make Sure Your Charitable Donations Have the Impact You Want

    By Brandon Miller, CFP– The holiday season is in full swing, and so is charitable giving. In fact, 40% of charitable donations take place in the year’s final weeks. And…

    Added Style in Crossovers

    Added Style in Crossovers

    By Philip Ruth– If talk-show makeup makeovers have taught us anything, it’s that the right look can make anyone seem more appealing. That’s nowhere truer than the fiercely competitive crossover…

    Curated: Noah’s Ark by Ralph Griffin, ca. 1980

    Curated: Noah’s Ark by Ralph Griffin, ca. 1980

    At the de Young “I go to the stream. I read the roots in the water, laying in clear water. There’s a miracle in that water, running across them logs…

    LGBTQ Studies and Contemporary Arts at Asawa SOTA Presents: ART!

    By Lyndsey Schlax– (Editor’s Note: Teacher Lyndsey Schlax of the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts launched the nation’s first on-site high school LGBT course in 2015. She…