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    Five Thousand Demonstrators Gather in San Francisco on Inauguration Night to Protest Trump and His Policies

    Five Thousand Demonstrators Gather in San Francisco on Inauguration Night to Protest Trump and His Policies

    By Dennis McMillan ANSWER Bay Area [Act Now to Stop War and End Racism] partially sponsored the 5 pm Friday demonstration against Trump on Inauguration night. Sponsors stated, “On January 20, 2017,…

    Thousands Gather for Obamacare Rally Outside City Hall

    Thousands Gather for Obamacare Rally Outside City Hall

    By Dennis McMillan On Sunday, January 15, thousands assembled outside San Francisco City Hall to voice their support for nationwide healthcare and to share concerns about how the Trump administration…

    Thoughts on Inauguration Day 2017

    Thoughts on Inauguration Day 2017

    By Frank Woo This is a day that I could never fathom happening in my lifetime. The extraordinary progress we have made just in the last eight years have been…

    We’re Still Here

    We’re Still Here

    By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large When I first became out and active as a queer person, in the 1980s, we did not have the support of a President,…

    All Politics Is Local

    All Politics Is Local

    By Alex Randolph, City College Trustee I have been trying very hard for months to get myself out of the Trump Depression. But no amount of Netflix, ice cream, or…

    Resolution Denouncing the Trump Administration and 115th Congress’ Plans to Defund Preventative Care for Women and Basic Health Services

    Resolution Denouncing the Trump Administration and 115th Congress’ Plans to Defund Preventative Care for Women and Basic Health Services

    Introduced by San Francisco Supervisors Ronen, Breed, Fewer, Kim, Cohen and Tang WHEREAS, President Donald Trump and the 115th Congress have repeatedly threatened to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA)…

    Building a Successful Business: Bank with Experts

    Building a Successful Business: Bank with Experts

    By Wendy Ross Young businesses, large and small, are flourishing in the Bay Area. Those that are highly successful have the assistance of trusted advisors, including accountants and lawyers. The…

    Still Dreaming on MLK Weekend

    Still Dreaming on MLK Weekend

    By John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney When John attended his 40th high school reunion in Kansas City last fall, it dawned on him that he and his classmates started kindergarten…

    Get Covered Today

    Get Covered Today

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting Eight years ago, access to affordable health insurance seemed like a pipedream for millions of working families. Insurers refused coverage to those with preexisting conditions, and…

    On the Precipice of a Trump Administration and Local Political Changes

    On the Precipice of a Trump Administration and Local Political Changes

    By Zoe Dunning Change Is Coming for Democrats Back in October, I was so confident Hillary Clinton would be our next President that I went ahead and booked roundtrip flights…