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    Why I Support a Department of Race & Equity in Oakland

    Why I Support a Department of Race & Equity in Oakland

    The City of Oakland has many reasons as to why we should be a leader on racial justice and social equity, but despite a diverse and dedicated population, and the…

    Ready for Her, continued

    Ready for Her, continued

    Donna Sachet: “My strong support of Hillary Clinton for the next President of the United States comes from her unprecedented experience for the job. Who else has spent 8 years…

    Post-Obergefell: California Same-Sex Couples and the New Era of Federal and State Marriage Recognition

    By Alma Soongi Beck, J.D., LL.M. Taxation, Certified Specialist, Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law, State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization Once again, June 26 has become a…

    Protecting Education as the Great Equalizer

    Protecting Education as the Great Equalizer

    Earlier this month in Oakland, an obscure organization met to decide if California’s community and two-year colleges meet education standards. The process sounds simple, but the Accrediting Commission on Community…

    Supporting Bay Marriage

    Supporting Bay Marriage

    Our LGBT community in the Bay Area can help achieve goals and programs that more strongly unite the different parts of our region—supporting “Bay Marriage.” The Bay region shares needs…

    The Journey Is the Goal

    The Journey Is the Goal

    By Cris Williamson In my youth, a wonderful Irish playwright once told me that all art must have three elements: a foot in the Past, a foot in the Present,…

    The 20th Pink Triangle

    The 20th Pink Triangle

    By Patrick Carney (Editor’s Note: The San Francisco Bay Times congratulates Patrick Carney on receiving San Francisco Pride’s 2015 Gilbert Baker Pride Founder’s Award. San Francisco Pride explains that “the…

    The City Hall Centennial Celebration

    A civic celebration honoring the 100th anniversary of San Francisco’s City Hall will be held on Friday, June 19, from 6–11pm in Civic Center Plaza. The event coincides with Mayor…

    World’s Gayest City Hall Turns 100 + Image Gallery

    Harvey Milk frequently used to pause and admire the engraved medallions at San Francisco City Hall depicting Liberty, Equality, Learning and Strength. Years later, Patrick Carney, who worked on the…

    San Francisco City Hall: The People’s Palace

    San Francisco City Hall: The People’s Palace

    By Patrick Carney The Shared Vision of Mayors “Sunny Jim” Rolph (1913) and Willie Brown (1996) San Francisco’s spectacular City Hall was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake. After an architectural…