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    Ageism Isn’t Cute

    Ageism Isn’t Cute

    By Fairley Parson, LCSW As a clinical social worker working in the LGBT senior community, I have heard my share of ageist comments. The most common reply I hear when I…

    Food Is Love and Food Is Medicine

    Food Is Love and Food Is Medicine

    By Mark A. Ryle When you serve 19 million nutritious meals to seniors and critically ill neighbors in your community, you learn a thing or two along the way. At…

    Dr. Marcy Adelman Reflects on Openhouse, 55 Laguna and Her Decades of LGBT Senior Advocacy Group

    Dr. Marcy Adelman Reflects on Openhouse, 55 Laguna and Her Decades of LGBT Senior Advocacy Group

    Openhouse Co-Founder Dr. Marcy Adelman has worked tirelessly for nearly two decades to fulfill the founding vision and purpose of the agency: to create long-term affordable housing options for LBGT…

    Surviving the Trump Years

    Surviving the Trump Years

    By Dr. Kathleen M. Sullivan The political landscape has rattled, angered and activated many of us. The new administration, together with Congress, is seeking to repeal the Affordable Care Act,…

    Openhouse’s LGBT-Welcoming Senior Housing Has Arrived

    Openhouse’s LGBT-Welcoming Senior Housing Has Arrived

    By Marcy Adelman Today, March 23, we celebrate the grand opening of 55 Laguna, San Francisco’s first LGBT-welcoming affordable housing for seniors. The new apartments, developed in partnership with Openhouse…

    Leadership, Courage and Money

    Leadership, Courage and Money

    By Roger Doughty There’s no escaping the alarming events and sometimes stupefying pronouncements tumbling from the nation’s capital. Even if we turned off every device, ignored every newspaper, and closed…

    Common Ground

    Common Ground

    By Jessica Lehman Last weekend, I joined the diverse crowd at San Francisco Airport to protest Trump’s ban on Muslim immigrants and refugees. One of the signs that brought tears…

    California LGBT Senior Services on the Front Lines

    California LGBT Senior Services on the Front Lines

    By Marcy Adelman After the President-elect takes office, we will need to be prepared for an assault on federal programs that benefit elders and people living with disabilities. We can…

    Thanksgiving 2016

    Thanksgiving 2016

    Slightly more than two years ago I introduced the Aging in Community column and promised to identify opportunities and challenges that San Francisco LGBT elders face in later life. The focus of the column has…

    The Day After Hillary and the Boomer Legacy

    The Day After Hillary and the Boomer Legacy

    I am writing to you a few days before Election Day. Being an optimist, I believe that Hillary will be the winner in what has been one of the most,…