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    OLOC Provides Courage for the Changes of Age

    OLOC Provides Courage for the Changes of Age

    How do you feel about getting old? People often cringe at the idea, or even the word! They dispute me when I claim the term. Yes, at 70 I’m clear…

    Victory and More

    Victory and More

    Dr. Marcy Adelman We have much to celebrate, given all of the recent marriage equality gains both here and around the world. At last our beautiful loving relationships are being…

    Queer Cultural Center Brings Together Generations in June Programming Lineup

    Queer Cultural Center Brings Together Generations  in June Programming Lineup

    With so much media (and social media) focused on the millennials, senior LGBTQ people seldom get to see our lives, cultures, and concerns represented in the arts—on stage, screen, or…

    Adult Protective Services – An Integral Part of the LGBT Community’s Safety Net

    Adult Protective Services – An Integral Part of the LGBT Community’s Safety Net

    The overarching mission of the Adult Protective Services (APS) program in San Francisco is to protect elders and adults with disabilities from abuse, neglect, exploitation, and self-neglect. APS strives to…

    Making San Francisco Streets Safer for Seniors

    Making San Francisco Streets Safer for Seniors

    By Marcy Adelman Walk SF, a San Francisco nonprofit pedestrian advocacy organization, is working to make San Francisco a safer, more walkable city for pedestrians. Seniors and lower income communities…

    LGBT Seniors Are Particularly Vulnerable to Both Mental and Physical Abuse

    LGBT Seniors Are Particularly Vulnerable to Both Mental and Physical Abuse

    I’ve worked in the field of elder abuse prevention for the past 25 years and, sadly, I’ve heard many stories about elder abuse in our community. Our reluctance to face…

    LGBT Senior Care Facilities Bill of Rights Unanimously Approved

    LGBT Senior Care Facilities Bill of Rights Unanimously Approved

    On March 31, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously ap­proved the groundbreaking LGBT Se­nior Long Term Care Facilities Bill of Rights. The much-needed ordinance, the first of its kind…

    Reimagining Life

    Reimagining Life

    As a young man full of life and energy in 1982, I was forced to give up my dreams and ambitions because of a new disease that swept the country.…

    Changing Times

    Changing Times

    There is a quiet sea change happening that will affect every LGBT person in the nation, and it will change our lives for the better. Slowly but surely, federal, state,…

    Beyond Long-term Care Insurance

    Beyond Long-term Care Insurance

    Seventy percent of people turning age 65 today can expect to require some form of long-term care during their lives, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.…