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    Unassuming Exteriors that Belie Interior Comforts

    Unassuming Exteriors that Belie Interior Comforts

    As we single LGBTs hit the bars and the apps to find our special someone, we put our best feet forward to make a good first impression. With some, the…

    Are You More City or Suburban? Mazda5 vs. the Nissan Murano

    Are You More City or Suburban?  Mazda5 vs. the Nissan Murano

    We Bay Area LGBTs are lucky in that we have the choice of different lifestyles—city, suburban or country. The two vehicles this week reflect the values of the first two,…

    Comparing Two Popular Eco-Friendly Cars: Toyota Prius and Nissan Leaf

    Comparing Two Popular Eco-Friendly Cars: Toyota Prius and Nissan Leaf

    It doesn’t matter if you’re LGBT or straight when it comes to environmental awareness in the Bay Area; we’re all subject to the same social pressure to consider the Earth…

    Two Muscular Cars to Rev Up Your 2015

    Two Muscular Cars to Rev Up Your 2015

    Work out more: that’s a common New Year’s resolution. Even if you’re off your routine, your car could feel like it’s been doing squats while you sleep. Two cars I…

    Two from Mitsubishi Pack Plenty Into A Very Parkable Footprint

    Two from Mitsubishi Pack Plenty Into  A Very Parkable Footprint

    As we LGBTs fight for visibility in the mainstream, so too does Mitsubishi continue its fight to pull itself out of the margins. It has been selling cars in the US since…

    Which Car Gets Your Vote, The Kia Sorento or the Volkswagen Passat?

    Which Car Gets Your Vote,  The Kia Sorento or the Volkswagen Passat?

    Time to vote again! In both national and local races, there is the usual services vs. austerity debate. Each side found an analog in two recent test cars, the Kia…

    Cars Are Mirroring Our Evolving Gayborhood

    Cars Are Mirroring Our Evolving Gayborhood

    First, there’s the influx of tech money that drives up prices and limits the breadth of people, LGBT or otherwise, who can afford to live here. This conjures up the…

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