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    Helping Tenants During Challenging Times

    Helping Tenants During Challenging Times

    Editor’s Note: Last month, LGBT leaders in San Francisco told the Bay Times that housing was at the top of the list of concerns for our community here in the…

    City College Update, Campos Announces, and Remembering Jazzie Collins

    City College Update, Campos Announces, and Remembering Jazzie Collins

    It has now been just over a month since the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) announced its decision to terminate accreditation for City College of San Francisco,…

    Call to Service

    Call to Service

    It’s not what you think. I’m not talking military service; I’m talking board service. Have you ever served on a non-profit’s Board of Directors? If not, I’m here to recruit…

    Covering Essential Expenses in Retirement

    Covering Essential Expenses in Retirement

    Today’s retirees face unique challenges — including prolonged periods of market uncertainty and longer average lifespans — which make thoughtfully planning for retirement more critical than ever. For most, feeling…

    The Joy Continues, The Work Continues

    The Joy Continues, The Work Continues

    August brings with it more wedding bells, as equal marriage rights take effect in Minnesota and Rhode Island, and more and more couples marry in California. It’s a great feeling…

    Forging a New Destiny

    Forging a New Destiny

    When I was five years old, I was disappointed when my mother’s best friend Renée announced she was going to wed Tom. I had planned on marrying Renée, a vivacious…

    Ten Things I Learned in 2012

    By Zoe Dunning In the spirit of year-end reflections, here are ten things I learned in 2012: 1. Every vote counts. I was elected to the San Francisco Democratic Central…