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    Top 10 Tax Tips for Legally Married Same-Sex Couples

    Courtesy of Nanette Lee Miller, CPA 1. Married Tax Status Determine if there is any benefit to filing amended income tax returns using “married” status. Married tax status, as compared…

    Getting Down to Retirement Business When You’re Self-Employed

    Getting Down to Retirement Business When You’re Self-Employed

    If you call yourself a consultant, a freelancer or an independent contractor, you’re one of the growing numbers of Americans without an employer-sponsored retirement savings plan. As a solo entity,…

    Smart Moves for Retirement Relocation

    Smart Moves for Retirement Relocation

    Retirement opens the door for many retirees to consider a change in residence. Here are answers to questions about the financial implications of relocation at this stage in life. Q:…

    The Stock Market Reaches New Highs – Now What?

    The Stock Market Reaches New Highs – Now What?

    If you had money invested in the stock market in 2013, you’re most likely pleased with the results. It’s rare that major stock indexes, like the benchmark Standard & Poor’s…

    Begin Preparing for 2013 Tax Filing Today

    Begin Preparing for 2013 Tax Filing Today

    Although Tax Day may seem like it’s a long time from now, it’s never too early to evaluate your current tax situation. Doing so can enable you to take a…

    Entry and Privacy Rights

    Entry and Privacy Rights

    By Nancy M. Conway In the land of landlord tenant relations, entries into premises either can be routine non-events, sometimes bringing welcome repairs, or they can be harassment and intrusions…

    How To: Convert Your Workplace Savings to a Roth

    How To: Convert Your Workplace Savings to a Roth

    If you are like many people, the majority of the money you’ve set aside for retirement is held in your workplace savings plan, such as a 401(k) or 403(b). When…

    Small Business Owners: Think About Your Personal Bottom Line

    Small Business Owners: Think About Your Personal Bottom Line

    If you’re a small business owner, you probably devote most of your time to making your business successful and functioning well each day. You focus on the obligations you have…

    Don’t Let Divorce Derail Your Financial Security

    Don’t Let Divorce Derail Your Financial Security

    Divorce is rarely a life event that one plans for, but while many couples live happily ever after, some will undoubtedly go their separate ways. A divorce can be emotionally…

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