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    Home » Archives by category » News » On the Path to Marriage Equality (Page 6)

    Color Our World with Rainbow Pride

    Color Our World with Rainbow Pride

    (Editor’s note: The “SF Bay Times” proudly features John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney on the cover of this issue. Both have been working tirelessly for many years to secure our…



    As we celebrated LGBT couples getting married in Arkansas last weekend, we were packing our bags to head to my 30th college class reunion—attending together as a legally married couple.…

    Countdown to Equality

    Countdown to Equality

    And then there were three. Just a few weeks ago, there were five states either without marriage equality or without an active lawsuit for equal marriage rights. But the pace…

    Utah Should Drop its Appeal and Let the Salt Lake City Weddings Begin Again

    Utah Should Drop its Appeal and  Let the Salt Lake City Weddings Begin Again

    The State of Utah’s stunning admissions in last week’s oral argument before the Tenth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals and in briefs filed with the court make one thing abundantly…

    A Whirlwind Six Weeks Ahead for Marriage Equality

    A Whirlwind Six Weeks Ahead for Marriage Equality

    Last year at this time, the United States Supreme Court had just finished hearing oral arguments in two LGBT cases that resulted in landmark marriage equality rulings striking down Section…

    Pride Bursting Out at the California Democratic Convention

    Pride Bursting Out at the California Democratic Convention

    Earlier this month, we spoke at the California Democratic Convention celebration of the tenth anniversary of San Francisco’s “Winter of Love,” when over 4,000 same-sex couples from all over the…

    Reflections on Arizona’s Vetoed Anti-Gay Legislation: Time to Seize the Moment

    Reflections on Arizona’s Vetoed Anti-Gay Legislation: Time to Seize the Moment

    Arizona’s recently failed attempt to enact a law permitting restaurants, hotels, and other businesses to deny services to LGBT people, under the guise of religious liberty, rightly raised the ire…

    The Relevance of the Winter of Love to the Entire LGBTIQ Community Today

    The Relevance of the Winter of Love to the Entire LGBTIQ Community Today

    Next week marks the ten-year anniversary of the beginning of San Francisco’s “Winter of Love,” in which 4,037 same-sex couples married at San Francisco City Hall from February 12 to…

    State of Celebration

    State of Celebration

    All summer long, it has been amazing to see the marriage map changing day by day as weddings performed by county clerks in New Mexico and Pennsylvania have proven once…

    Playing the Orson Scott Card: Why I Won’t Go See Ender’s Game

    Playing the Orson Scott Card: Why I Won’t Go See Ender’s Game

    As a sensitive and lonely gay kid in rural Virginia, science fiction and fantasy were my gateway to a world of endless possibilities and brighter futures. My favorite childhood friends…