Returning for its 13th year at the Union Square Ice Rink, Drag Queens on Ice has been called “the most popular holiday event in San Francisco.” San Francisco Bay Times columnist Donna Sachet…
The World Tree of Hope—presented by The Rainbow World Fund led by Jeff Cotter, in collaboration with Linda Mihara of Paper Tree—is the largest origami decorated holiday tree in the world. The tree stands over 23 feet tall and is decorated this…
On Friday, December 9, Project Open Hand celebrated the 30th annual Hand to Hand fundraiser at The Hibernia in San Francisco. The event included multi-levels of entertainment, including performances by…
The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus (SFGMC) Artistic Director/Conductor Jacob Stensberg made his concert debut leading the Chorus in the opening weekend of Holiday Spectacular at the Sydney Goldstein Theater…
Best American Essays 2022, edited by Alexander Chee This smorgasbord of essays has a little something for everyone, and includes plenty of offerings from queer and other marginalized communities. Christmas…
January 16, 2023, is an important date for drag artists in San Francisco, as it is the deadline for applications for the inaugural position of Drag Laureate of San Francisco.…
By Ann Rostow– Ms. Smith Goes to Washington Has this ever happened to you? You have six hours to write a 2,000-word column about GLBT law and politics. The Supreme…
The first public performance of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus (SFGMC) took place on November 27, 1978, at an impromptu memorial at San Francisco City Hall for Supervisor Harvey Milk…
On the eve of Transgender Remembrance Day, November 20, a mass shooting occurred at Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Five people were killed and 25 were injured. On the…
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