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    Day of Action to Demand HHS Increase Monkeypox Vaccine Supply and Distribution

    Photos by Rink A Day of Action to demand that the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention as well as the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) increase access…

    Déjà Vu, All Over Again

    Déjà Vu, All Over Again

    By Joanie Juster– The French say it better, but the essence is: the more things change, the more they stay the same. Much of the current news seems awfully familiar;…

    AIDS Walk San Francisco 2022

    After two successful years of largely virtual events, AIDS Walk San Francisco returned to Golden Gate Park on July 17, 2022, for the much-anticipated return of in-person festivities surrounding this…

    Dear Pride Karen: Your Racism Won’t Win Here

    Dear Pride Karen: Your Racism Won’t Win Here

    By Carolyn Wysinger– Dear Pride Karen, First of all, I hope you had a great Pride weekend. I certainly did. It was great to see so many of our partner…

    Donna’s Chronicles, “After assiduously avoiding personal infection during this two-plus years…”

    By Donna Sachet– After assiduously avoiding personal infection during this two-plus years long dark period, even through an especially busy month of June with event after event and crowds of…

    Pride 2022 Recap and Paying Tribute to Anne Rickertsen

    Pride 2022 Recap and Paying Tribute to Anne Rickertsen

    By Kate Brown, Ph.D.– What a ride! It was incredible to be out on Market Street once again for the SF Pride Parade with the San Francisco Dykes on Bikes®…

    LGBTQ Voices Spotlighted in 2022 Bay Area Playwrights Festival

    LGBTQ Voices Spotlighted in 2022 Bay Area Playwrights Festival

    Want to see the future of American Theatre? Starting this weekend, you can—Playwrights Foundation’s nationally acclaimed Bay Area Playwrights Festival(BAPF) invites audiences to take a first glimpse at exciting future…

    A Tasty Time Among the Redwoods with Rock Star Chef & Filmmaker Elizabeth Falkner

    A Tasty Time Among the Redwoods with Rock Star Chef & Filmmaker Elizabeth Falkner

    By Liam P. Mayclem– Bucolic Boon Hotel + Spa  in Guerneville on the Russian River was the setting for two recent special events featuring Chef Elizabeth Falkner (formerly of Citizen Cake…

    The Complicated Calculus (and Cows) of Carl Paulsen

    The Complicated Calculus (and Cows) of Carl Paulsen

    By Michele Karlsberg– Michele Karlsberg: Gary Eldon Peter this month is celebrating the publication of The Complicated Calculus (and Cows) of Carl Paulsen, a young adult novel. It is about a…

    Take Me Home with You!

    Take Me Home with You!

    “My name is Indy! I’m a four-year-old explorer looking for an adventure-loving family! I’ve been known as a professor for my ability to learn cues like 180-turns when there’s a…