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    San Francisco Bay Times Pride Parade Contingent 2022

    San Francisco Bay Times Pride Parade Contingent 2022

    The San Francisco Bay Times is a proud longtime media sponsor of the SF Pride Parade and has had multiple award-winning contingents over the years. For 2022, the Bay Times…

    Pride is Back! Now Let’s Get to Work

    Pride is Back! Now Let’s Get to Work

    By Suzanne Ford– It’s been two long years, but San Francisco Pride is back! Coming out of the pandemic, we want everyone to celebrate Pride’s resiliency, our beloved city’s resiliency,…

    Pride and Prejudice

    By Joanie Juster– Happy Pride! Each year as the rainbow flags go up along Market Street, I find myself reflecting on Pride. I’m proud of everyone who has the courage…

    Welcome to SF Pride!

    Welcome to SF Pride!

    By Supervisor Rafael Mandelman– This year’s SF Pride theme is “Love Will Keep Us Together,” a reminder of how far we’ve come since the world stopped due to the COVID…

    Memories of Prides Past

    Memories of Prides Past

    By Marsha H. Levine– Even before I moved to San Francisco, I was pretty familiar with San Francisco Pride, as it stood out as the Pride event and took place…

    Dykes on Bikes: Michelle Reynolds

    Dykes on Bikes: Michelle Reynolds

    Hello! My name is Michelle Reynolds and I ride a sweet, super loud, 2014 black and chrome Harley-Davidson Road King named Vader. As far back as I can remember, I’ve…

    Pride 2022: ‘We Are Panda Dulce’

    Pride 2022: ‘We Are Panda Dulce’

    By John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney– Six years to the day that 49 mostly Latinx members of the LGBTIQ community were senselessly shot and killed, and 53 others wounded at…

    Don’t Check Hate Out of the Library

    Don’t Check Hate Out of the Library

    By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large– On Saturday, June 11, the San Lorenzo Public Library hosted a Drag Queen Story Hour. Drag Queen Story Hour started in San Francisco…

    Celebrating Pride Month Together

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting– As Pride events return to the Bay Area this month, LGBTQ+ allies will join community members in public celebrations of love, unity, and freedom. However, as…

    Donna’s Chronicles, “Way back in February, when we looked at the upcoming calendar for June…”

    Donna’s Chronicles, “Way back in February, when we looked at the upcoming calendar for June…”

    By Donna Sachet– Way back in February, when we looked at the upcoming calendar for June, we seriously considered planning a trip out of town.  The lingering pall of the…