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    About Our Cover: 10.3.24

    About Our Cover: 10.3.24

    The preface to the Cleve Jones autobiography When We Rise: My Life in the Movement (Hachette Books, 2016) begins, “The movement saved my life.” He, in turn, has saved countless…

    Cleve and Me

    Cleve and Me

    By Hank Trout– In the summer of 2016, I read an advance copy of Cleve’s memoir When We Rise in order to review it for A&U (Art and Understanding) Magazine,…

    Cleve Jones Changed My Life

    Cleve Jones Changed My Life

    By Edward Wright– Cleve Jones was already a hero of mine when we sat down at Café Flore. He was interviewing me to work as his assistant at UNITE HERE…

    Cleve Jones, Representative John Lewis, and the Quilt

    Cleve Jones, Representative John Lewis, and the Quilt

    By Michael Bongiorni– The Quilt was invited to be displayed in the rotunda of the Atlanta, Georgia, City Hall. The event focused on the impact of AIDS on the African American community…

    Countdown to Election Day

    Countdown to Election Day

    By Joanie Juster– Election Day is right around the corner, and we are all on edge. The clock is ticking, the email requests from campaigns are becoming more frequent and…

    2280 Market Street Identified as Site for Future Home of GLBT Historical Society Museum and Archives

    2280 Market Street Identified as Site for Future Home of GLBT Historical Society Museum and Archives

    Mayor London Breed on September 27, 2024, announced that the City of San Francisco and the GLBT Historical Society have identified 2280 Market Street as the site for the future…

    Election Day Is November 6 – Register to Vote

    Election Day Is November 6 – Register to Vote

    Assemblymember Phil Ting– No doubt the political influence of the LGBTQ+ community is increasing. Two years ago, the Human Rights Campaign and Bowling Green State University projected that this category…

    Oakland Honors Martial Arts and Film Legend Bruce Lee With Commemorative Street Renaming

    Oakland Honors Martial Arts and Film Legend Bruce Lee With Commemorative Street Renaming

    By Oakland City Councilmember At-Large, Rebecca Kaplan– On Monday, September 23, 2024, the City of Oakland honored film and martial arts legend Bruce Lee with a commemorative street renaming. The…

    A True Victory for Queer Love in Thailand

    A True Victory for Queer Love in Thailand

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis– Last week witnessed a milestone in Asian queer history and a tremendous step forward for the global LGBTIQ movement. The King of Thailand, Maha…

    Catch French Bistro Grand Opening

    Photos by Rink The Grand Opening of Catch French Bistro in the Castro took place on the evening of Saturday, September 21, 2024. For longtime devotees of Catch under the…