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    Off the Wahl: The Big Guy in Film

    Off the Wahl: The Big Guy in Film

    By Jan Wahl– Ever since I was a little girl, I loved me some God in the movies. Of course, I always wondered where the Goddess was … but we’ll…

    Top of Your Stack – Recommendations from Book Passage

    The Prophets (fiction) by Robert Jones, Jr.The Prophets is a stunning debut novel about the forbidden union between two enslaved young men on a plantation in the Deep South. Isaiah…

    2021 Fall Arts and Entertainment

    After numerous shutdowns last year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Bay Area museums, theaters, concert venues, and more have been reopening, such that this fall’s offerings are some of…

    Cocktails with Heather: Honey Deuce

    Cocktails with Heather: Honey Deuce

    By Heather Freyer– The Honey Deuce is the signature cocktail of the U.S. Open. Created to embody the spirit of the U.S. Open with a blend of fresh flavors and…

    Vacation with Your Pup at Mendocino’s LGBTQ-Friendly Little River Inn

    A getaway to the great outdoors feels especially right at this moment and early fall is a delicious time of year to explore and enjoy the wide-open spaces of the…

    Marga Gomez Returns to The Marsh with Heartrending Memoir

    Marga Gomez Returns to The Marsh with Heartrending Memoir

    Award-winning writer/performer Marga Gomez debuted her first work at The Marsh San Francisco nearly 30 years ago, so it is only fitting that she was selected as the performer to…

    Ann Rostow: Cuomo Scandal Brings Down HRC President

    Ann Rostow: Cuomo Scandal Brings Down HRC President

    By Ann Rostow– Cuomo Scandal Brings Down HRC President I suppose I have to lead with the news that the board of the Human Rights Campaign has fired HRC president…

    Vaccinated Visit with Dad: Nosh & Chat about Authoritarian Tactics from 1955 to Present

    Vaccinated Visit with Dad: Nosh & Chat about Authoritarian Tactics from 1955 to Present

    By Louise “Lou” Fischer– In 1990, when I moved from the Northeast to San Francisco, I assured my Jewish parents, “California is only a plane ride away; I’ll visit all…

    How to Create a Retirement Spending Strategy

    How to Create a Retirement Spending Strategy

    By Brandon Miller, CFP– As a kid, I loved a board game called Stratego, which is different each time you play it. You try to protect your flag, while uncovering…

    Dykes on Bikes® 45th Anniversary Celebration at Divas & Drinks @ The Academy, August 27

    San Francisco Dykes on Bikes® Women’s Motorcycle Contingent President Kate Brown and several members of the organization revved up to The Academy in the Castro on Friday, August 27, for…