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    ChefsGiving 2020: Cooking for a Cause

    ChefsGiving 2020: Cooking for a Cause

    By Liam P. Mayclem– This year California saw the worst wildfires in our history, taking out hundreds of homes, business, and wineries; and there was devastating loss of life, too. As our beloved Wine…

    Ann Rostow: Look on My Works, ye Mighty, And Despair

    Ann Rostow: Look on My Works, ye Mighty, And Despair

    By Ann Rostow– Look on My Works, ye Mighty, And Despair Join me won’t you, dear Readers, on a trip back into the past. Here we are in our ninth…

    2020 Election Results (so far)

    2020 Election Results (so far)

    By Louise “Lou” Fischer– Despite getting an extra four days, and clinging to the hope that Joe Biden would win decisively, at the time of the final “drop dead” deadline…

    Don’t Harm People in the Name of Religion

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis– “Don’t Kill Innocent People in the Name of Religion.” So read a wall mural in Kolkata, India, which we happened upon when we were…

    Coming Out in the U.S. After Feeling Like the Only Homosexual in Turkey

    Coming Out in the U.S. After Feeling Like the Only Homosexual in Turkey

    By Okan Sengun, Esq.– I’m a methodical person: I like lists, I like organization, I like starting at Point A and discovering the fastest route to Point B. Ask anyone…

    Why Time in the Market Is Your Best Ally

    Why Time in the Market Is Your Best Ally

    By Brandon Miller, CFP– There was an Anne Fizzard cartoon in The New Yorker the other week that showed a man suspended in a pod while his wife tells a…

    Two Sedans to Personalize

    By Philip Ruth– “Okay, let’s be clear about what you really want here.” That’s a sentence I say to my clients ad infinitum, as we parse out the ad hype…

    Mega Philanthropy: Demanding More (Part 2)

    Mega Philanthropy: Demanding More (Part 2)

    By Derek Barnes– Last month, I began describing ways we could all demand more philanthropic leadership from the wealthiest individuals and corporations by adopting “the 5% challenge”—donating, annually, at least…

    In Memorium: Tom Taylor: 9/8/1943–10/20/2020

    The world has lost a gentle giant. Tom Taylor passed away on Tuesday, October 20, 2020, at 7:37 am at the side of his devoted husband of 48 years, Dr.…

    Willem Arondeus: ‘Homosexuals Are Not Cowards’

    Willem Arondeus: ‘Homosexuals Are Not Cowards’

    By Dr. Bill Lipsky– On the night of March 27, 1943, the Amsterdam Fire Department received a telephone call from the Gestapo. The Municipal Public Records Office was on fire.…