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    In Memoriam

    Edward “Eddie” Munoz A former staff member at Glide Memorial Church and the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, Munoz volunteered for many benefits supporting the LGBTQ community. He bravely fought…

    From ComicFest to Vampire-slaying Buffy: Halloween in San Francisco

    From ComicFest to Vampire-slaying Buffy: Halloween in San Francisco

    Halloween has ancient pagan roots, which are still at the heart of Samhain for Wiccans, but in the words of lesbian poet Judy Grahn, it is also “the Great Gay…

    The Bully’s Pulpit

    The Bully’s Pulpit

    By David Perry– The bully pulpit has never been bullier: nor the Senate, the House and now the Supreme Court. That’s a lot of bull, ah bullying. There are bullies…

    Jessica Kingsley Publishers Launch Gender Diversity List

    Jessica Kingsley Publishers Launch Gender Diversity List

    By Michele Karlsberg– David Corey, manager of the U.S. sales and marketing office for Jessica Kingsley Publishers (JKP) is featured in this issue of the San Francisco Bay Times. It…

    Supporting ‘One Fair Wage’ with Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda in San Francisco

    Supporting ‘One Fair Wage’ with Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda in San Francisco

    By Louise “Lou” Fischer– Last month, multi award-winning actresses and icons, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, visited Piccino Cafe in San Francisco to have “Coffee and Conversation” with supporters of…

    Ann Rostow: Slouching Towards SCOTUS

    Ann Rostow:  Slouching Towards SCOTUS

    By Ann Rostow– Slouching Towards SCOTUS Before we start, may I apologize for once writing that Brett Kavanaugh was likely a better High Court nominee than the others on Trump’s…

    Horizons: Creating the World We Want to Live In

    Horizons: Creating the World We Want to Live In

    Welcome! Like the San Francisco Bay Times, Horizons has a long history of celebrating our community and bringing to the forefront important issues that we face. Media organizations have experienced…

    Imagining Our Community’s Future

    Imagining Our Community’s Future

    By Roger Doughty, Olga Talamante, and Adam Blum– Horizons Foundation has a long history of providing funds for organizations in our community on the frontlines of today’s issues. A grant…

    Horizons Honors Community Icons

    Horizons Honors Community Icons

    At Horizons’ Annual Gala on October 6, two individuals will be honored who have made incredible contributions to our community. Gavin Grimm Receiving the Courage Award is transgender student rights…

    Upcoming Event: Advocating for LGBTQ Seniors in the Master Plan for Aging in California

    In 2018, West Health and The SCAN Foundation launched the nonpartisan, nonprofit We Stand with Seniors … Will You? campaign to educate policymakers about the needs of California seniors. They…