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    A Place at Grace

    A Place at Grace

    Historic San Francisco Cathedral Lives Its Motto of ‘Grace for All’– By Lynn Aylward– Cathedrals are not exactly cutting-edge, and many people are giving organized religion a miss, especially in…

    In the News: 01.24.2018

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan– San Francisco School Funds and Lands May Be Used to Help Homeless Students Board of Education Commissioners Matt Haney and Shamann Walton and City College Board…

    Ann Rostow: Is There Hope for the Roberts Court?

    Ann Rostow: Is There Hope for the Roberts Court?

    By Ann Rostow– Is There Hope for the Roberts Court? Buzzfeed’s legal whiz, Chris Geidner, has an interesting article about John Roberts, speculating that the Chief might be evolving our…

    Marching for the Dream, DREAMERS and a Fair 2020 Census

    Marching for the Dream, DREAMERS and a Fair 2020 Census

    By Andrea Shorter– This past Saturday, hundreds of thousands of true believers in equality joined Women’s Marches around the country and world. Many of us who marched continue to share…

    Trump Is Inadvertently Revitalizing the Women’s Movement

    Trump Is Inadvertently Revitalizing the Women’s Movement

    By Louise “Lou” Fischer– November 8, 2016, was one of the worst nights in Democratic Party history: the improbable election of an unqualified, immature, unhinged, erratic, malignant narcissist for President…

    New Leadership Elected for Influential SF Political Organizations

    New Leadership Elected for Influential SF Political Organizations

    By Tom Temprano– Congratulations, dear reader, we made it through 2017! There were times when, I’m sure, you felt certain that a Twitter-induced nuclear war was right around the corner.…

    Does the New Tax Law Help or Hurt You?

    Does the New Tax Law Help or Hurt You?

    By Brandon Miller, CFP– The President called the new tax law a “big, beautiful Christmas present” for Americans. Now that we’ve had a little time to unwrap the impact of…

    A Mission Statement, a Purpose, or Intention: Just Be Sure to Have One

    A Mission Statement, a Purpose, or Intention: Just Be Sure to Have One

    By Brett Andrews– And so, a New Year begins—one filled with hope, promise, and opportunity. While we hold fast to the optimism that surrounds it, we are also aware that…

    Overcoming Toxic Shame – Part 1: What Is It?

    Overcoming Toxic Shame – Part 1: What Is It?

    By Tom Moon, MFT– Part of being human is that we all experience guilt (the judgment that I’ve done something wrong) and shame (the judgment that I am wrong) at…

    Major Advance for Marriage Equality and Gender Identity Rights in Latin America

    Major Advance for Marriage Equality and Gender Identity Rights in Latin America

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis– Two weeks ago, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights issued a path-breaking decision in favor of marriage equality and an individual’s right to self-determination…