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    Peeling Back the Mask of Invisibility

    Peeling Back the Mask of Invisibility

    By Michele Karlsberg– Michele Karlsberg: For this issue of the San Francisco Bay Times, I present a guest article written by author Gar McVey-Russell. “When I was in the closet,…

    Curated: Casanova’s World Is Now in San Francisco

        Casanova: The Seduction of Europe at the Legion of Honor through May 28 “Those who have not lived in the eighteenth century, in the years before the revolution,…

    Gay Olympians Standing Strong and Proud

    Gay Olympians Standing Strong and Proud

    By Jamie Leno Zimron– Two gay American athletes, figure skater Adam Rippon and freestyle skier Gus Kenworthy, made heroic headlines even before the 2018 Olympic Winter Games began. They both…

    Winter Olympics 2018 Takes LGBT Sports Movement to the Next Level

    Winter Olympics 2018 Takes LGBT Sports Movement to the Next Level

    By Tom Temprano– I’m about as much of a temperate-weather loving California native as there is. Having grown up in sunny SoCal and spent my whole adult life in San…

    Melissa Etheridge Is One of the World’s Most Charitable Artists

    Melissa Etheridge Is One of the World’s Most Charitable Artists

    Have you ever seen Melissa Etheridge live in concert? Her gutsy, long and heart-felt shows demonstrate her true love for both music and her fans. There are so many reasons…

    Overcoming the Fear of Anxiety

    Overcoming the Fear of Anxiety

    By Tom Moon, MFT– Ron is well-paid and valued at his job, but despite good performance reviews and repeated assurances that his position is secure, he constantly worries that any…

    In the News: 02.08.2018

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan City’s Oldest Gay Bar Closes After 108 Years The Gangway, in operation since 1910, closed on January 28. While this establishment at 841 Larkin Street did…

    Ann Rostow: Lunch at Tiffany’s

    Ann Rostow: Lunch at Tiffany’s

    By Ann Rostow– Lunch at Tiffany’s– This has nothing to do with GLBT news, but do you remember the zillion dollar no-bid contract for repair of the Puerto Rican electrical…

    Stop the Spread of D.C.’s Hate and Intolerance

    Stop the Spread of D.C.’s Hate and Intolerance

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting A painful truth that we have learned from the last election is that those with hate in their hearts are more common than we thought. Even…

    Protect Oakland Library Funding

    Protect Oakland Library Funding

    By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large– The Oakland City Council will hear options for a library funding Measure. One of the options is from the Mayor/Administration, which will have…