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    Out of the Closet and into City Hall

    Out of the Closet and into City Hall

    By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large As Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) aggressively targets all undocumented immigrants, regardless of their criminal histories, I am happy to announce that Oakland…

    Celebrating 6/26 Now and in the Future

    Celebrating 6/26 Now and in the Future

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis We title our column “6/26 and Beyond” because, for the last fourteen years, June 26 has been the day the U.S. Supreme Court issued…

    19th Pride Brunch Generates $55,000, Plans Underway for 20th Anniversary

    The Pride Brunch hosted by Gary Virginia and Donna Sachet is always one of the best events of June. Held at San Francisco’s historic Hotel Whitcomb, the elegant setting has…

    Let’s Be Counted! #LGBTdata

    Let’s Be Counted! #LGBTdata

    By Alex Randolph, City College Trustee Every ten years, people all over the country receive long surveys in the mail or greet friendly door knockers. It must be Census time!…

    LGBT Older Adults and In-Home Non-Medical Care Services

    LGBT Older Adults and In-Home Non-Medical Care Services

    By Dr. Marcy Adelman I don’t recall anyone telling me that one of the best experiences they had taking care of their self/parent/spouse/friend was what it took to find, manage,…

    Summer of Love, Winter of Despair

    Summer of Love, Winter of Despair

    By Dr. Bill Lipsky Frolicking in the park. Protesting in the street. Dying in a distant land. The “Summer of Love” came during a year filled with sorrow, neglect, and…

    Curated: Singing Beach Manchester, Massachusetts, 1983

    Curated: Singing Beach Manchester, Massachusetts, 1983

    In the Permanent Collection of the de Young Museum, Gallery 26 The breadth and volume of work produced by Martin Johnson Heade (1819–1904) is perhaps unrivaled by any artist of…

    You Can Help Save LGBT-Owned Laurel Book Store in Oakland!

    Members of our team here at the San Francisco Bay Times have been going to the Laurel Book Store for years—first when it was in the Laurel District near Mills…

    16th AIDS/LifeCycle Rolls in More Than $15.1 Million in the Fight Against HIV

    16th AIDS/LifeCycle Rolls in More Than $15.1 Million in the Fight Against HIV

      Mighty cyclists numbering 2,226 at this year’s AIDS/LifeCycle, the world’s largest single-event fundraiser related to HIV/AIDS, raised more than $15.1 million dollars. Helped by 683 volunteer “roadies,” the cyclists…

    In the News: 7.13.2017

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan HRC Enacts Its Largest Ever Grassroots Expansion The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) this week announced a grassroots expansion that is larger and bolder than any in…