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    Fall Arts Preview

    Fall Arts Preview

    Fall has always been the favorite season of San Francisco Bay Times publisher and “Betty’s List” founder Dr. Betty Sullivan. She came from a family of educators, so this time…

    In the News: 8.24.2017

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan ‘Patriot Prayer’ Rally Scheduled for August 26, but There Are Alternatives The group Patriot Prayer—organized by Joey Gibson, who is of Japanese descent—is planning an August…

    Ann Rostow: Absurd Aussie Shenanigans, Part XXI

    Ann Rostow: Absurd Aussie Shenanigans, Part XXI

    By Ann Rostow– Absurd Aussie Shenanigans, Part XXI I know I promised not to waste your time by discussing Australia’s continuing joyride on the marriage equality merry-go-round, but I simply…

    From Naughty to Nice

    From Naughty to Nice

    By Stuart Gaffney When I first came out as gay to my family over 30 years ago, my mom was wonderfully accepting. She already knew. For weeks before I actually…

    An Aggressive Boost for Electric Cars

    An Aggressive Boost for Electric Cars

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting When we think about the future we want for our children, we don’t picture them breathing dark plumes of polluted air, or witnessing the mass extinction…

    About Our Covers

    About Our Covers

    The front cover shows Ellicott elementary school children listening to a performer during Diversity Day at Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado on Friday, Aug. 26, 2016. The base hosted…

    Casey Donovan and the All-American Boys in the Sand

    Casey Donovan and the All-American Boys in the Sand

    By Dr. Bill Lipsky Thirty years ago this month, we lost a pioneer in the crusade for sexual freedom. Casey Donovan did not organize rallies or picket businesses or lobby…



    By Dr. Marcy Adelman– The President’s statements in his press conference on August 15 were a watershed moment. Trump exposed his true self. There could be no ambiguity about what he…

    The History and the Mystery of San Francisco’s Wild Side West

    The History and the Mystery of San Francisco’s Wild Side West

    By Karin Jaffie Despite being properly credentialed as one of the oldest lesbian-founded and continuously lesbian-owned and operated and patronized watering holes this side of the Sierras, Wild Side West…

    Curated: Eustache Le Sueur’s Sleeping Venus

    Curated: Eustache Le Sueur’s Sleeping Venus

    (second line of Title) In the permanent collection, Gallery 6, at the Legion of Honor The mythological union of Vulcan, ancient god of fire, and Venus, goddess of love, serves…