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    Anne Rostow: Let Them Eat Cakeshop

    Anne Rostow: Let Them Eat Cakeshop

    By Ann Rostow Let Them Eat Cakeshop Two weeks ago I was convinced that the High Court was on the verge of accepting a dangerous case, the infamous Masterpiece Cakeshop…

    Into the Fray

    Into the Fray

    By Rafael Mandelman A Big Weekend for the LGBT Center On April 8, our LGBT Community Center celebrated its 15th Anniversary at our annual Soirée at Terra Gallery.  Abundant thanks…



    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis What does it mean to be famous? Such a question seems apt for a college philosophy or ethics class or something that Cher, Madonna,…

    2017 San Francisco Pride Marshals Named

    2017 San Francisco Pride Marshals Named

    The 47th Annual San Francisco LGBT Pride Celebration and Parade will be held on June 24 and 25, 2017. The Parade/March is Sunday, June 25, in the heart of downtown San Francisco beginning at 10:30…

    We’re Employed and Unhappy, Now What?

    We’re Employed and Unhappy, Now What?

    By Julie Gleeson (Editor’s Note: San Francisco Bay Times welcomes new columnist Julie Gleeson, who will provide advice on how to have a more successful and personally rewarding work life.…

    Essential Conversations About Family Wealth

    Essential Conversations About Family Wealth

    By Brandon Miller, CFP How confident are you about your family’s finances? How often do you discuss money with your loved ones? According to the Family Wealth Checkup study by…

    Two Hatchbacks from a Small Car Expert

    Two Hatchbacks from a Small Car Expert

    By Philip Ruth Changing your image can take time. If the world knows you as one thing, and then you want to become known as another, you might be tapping…

    Living the Laughter Lifestyle: Starting Over

    Living the Laughter Lifestyle: Starting Over

    By Karen Williams, M.Ed. “Instead of saying, ‘I’m damaged, I’m broken, I have trust issues,’ say ‘I’m healing, I’m rediscovering myself, I’m starting over.” Horacio Jones (, Author, Broken Vision As…

    Words: Poetry in Motion

    Words: Poetry in Motion

    By Michele Karlsberg Michele Karlsberg: How important is accessibility of meaning? Should one have to work hard to “solve” the poem? Has your idea of what poetry is changed since…

    Spotlight on Broadway: Two Divas, One Counter-Tenor and A House Full of Hams

    Spotlight on Broadway: Two Divas, One Counter-Tenor and A House Full of Hams

    By Heidi Beeler Life is a cabaret, they say, and if you’ve ever wanted to be the life of a cabaret, now’s your chance. The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band is renting…