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    Openhouse Executive Director Dr. Karyn Skultety: ‘Our Work Is Only Beginning’

    Openhouse Executive Director Dr. Karyn Skultety: ‘Our Work Is Only Beginning’

    Dr. Karyn Skultety recently took the helm of Openhouse as its new Executive Director. She took time out of her hectic schedule to share what is happening now at the…

    Beyond Cultural Competence: Cultural Humility Is Key in Caring for LGBT Elders

    Beyond Cultural Competence: Cultural Humility Is Key in Caring for LGBT Elders

    By Michelle Alcedo and Ariel Mellinger LGBT seniors often face sub-standard care within health and social services, whether it is due to overt discrimination from providers, or it results from…

    What If ‘Senior’ Were Not a Bad Word?

    What If ‘Senior’ Were Not a Bad Word?

    By Karyn Skultety, PhD I have been an admirer of Openhouse throughout my career in aging services. I was amazed by the bravery of the founders to take on LGBT…

    Is a Small Business Administration Loan Right for Your Business?

    Is a Small Business Administration Loan Right for Your Business?

    By Wendy Ross When launching or expanding a business, one of the earliest decisions to be made is how to finance the venture. A traditional option has been to secure…

    Sister Gurl

    Sister Gurl

    always a sense of competition that came along for the ride. I actually shared a room with my brother from the age of 0 to 16, something I would surely…

    Selma Lagerlöf: A Nobel Mind

    Selma Lagerlöf: A Nobel Mind

    By Dr. Bill Lipsky When Selma Lagerlöf (1858–1940) became the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1909, no one except her most intimate friends knew she…

    Student Voices: Reflection and Advice from Tom Ammiano

    Student Voices: Reflection and Advice from Tom Ammiano

    By Jenn Bowman (Editor’s Note: Teacher Jenn Bowman of San Francisco’s Mission High School is teaching LGBTQ Studies. In this column, Bowman’s students share their thoughts about LGBTQ-related matters, including…

    Cleve Jones, Recipient of Openhouse Award, Believes Housing Is LGBTQ Community’s Most Pressing Need Now

    Cleve Jones, Recipient of Openhouse Award, Believes Housing Is LGBTQ Community’s Most Pressing Need Now

    At the Openhouse annual Spring Fling brunch fundraiser on April 30, Cleve Jones will receive The Adelman Gurevitch Founders Award in recognition of his long-standing advocacy for LGBT rights, respect,…

    In the News: 4.6.2017

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan LGBTQ Community Mourns Deaths of Gilbert Baker and Ryan Nunez Late last week our community lost two incredibly gifted men: Rainbow Flag creator Gilbert Baker and…

    Ann Rostow: Seventh Circuit Victory

    Ann Rostow: Seventh Circuit Victory

    By Ann Rostow Seventh Circuit Victory The full U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has ruled that sexual orientation discrimination violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act…