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    Ann Rostow: Tobacco Roadtrip

    Ann Rostow: Tobacco Roadtrip

    By Ann Rostow Tobacco Roadtrip As our last issue went to press, the big question was whether or not Georgia Governor Nathan Deal would sign a law that could open…

    The Gilda Stories 25th Anniversary

    The Gilda Stories 25th Anniversary

    City Lights Bookstore, Wednesday, April 13th, 7pm Release Party and Celebration for The Gilda Stories: Expanded 25th Anniversary Edition. Co-sponsored by the San Francisco Bay Times. Friday, April 22nd,…

    The Gilda Stories by Jewelle Gomez, Excerpt One of Three

    The Gilda Stories by Jewelle Gomez, Excerpt One of Three

    (Editor’s Note: Over the course of three issues, we will be presenting excerpts from Jewelle Gomez’s novel, The Gilda Stories. This is the first. Please be sure not to miss…

    Lesbian Novel—The Gilda Stories—Turns 25 with Expanded Anniversary Edition

    Books by and for lesbians include certain classics that many of us, LGBT or not, treasure in our libraries. These include such works as Rubyfruit Jungle by Rita Mae Brown…

    Mademoiselle Lulu: The Wo/man on the Flying Trapeze

    Mademoiselle Lulu: The Wo/man on the Flying Trapeze

    Mademoiselle Lulu, aerialist extraordinaire, was the sensation of the season when she debuted in London in 1871. The Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine proclaimed her “the Eighth Wonder of the World,” a…

    City College Pride

    City College Pride

    I take being a San Francisco City College Trustee very seriously. In addition to making important governance decisions, serving as a visible and accessible ambassador is crucial during this challenging…



    Last Sunday, our family had a wonderful dinner in the East Bay to celebrate Stuart’s mom’s 92nd birthday. On the way home from dinner, the three of us went to…

    Potty Talk

    Potty Talk

    Recently, the forces that have fought for years against equal rights for LGBT people, changing their focus away from marriage, have been talking a lot about bathrooms. This potty talk…

    Lunar New Year Deserves Recognition

    Lunar New Year Deserves Recognition

    Next month, California celebrates Harvey Milk Day. The power of this observance lies in its capacity to teach an important lesson: in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.…

    Supporting the Alzheimer’s Association Is a No Brainer

    Supporting the Alzheimer’s Association Is a No Brainer

      The Alzheimer’s Association’s 2016 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures report was released just this week. The new edition of Facts and Figures provides the most up to date information…