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    Montclair Women’s Cultural Arts Club—We Will Never Forget You

    Dr. Betty Sullivan & Jennifer Viegas From the moment we first stepped into Boo Price’s warm, welcoming and truly magical Montclair Women’s Cultural Arts Club, we felt at home. This…

    Obituary: Daniel James Aiello (1961–2015)

    Obituary: Daniel James Aiello (1961–2015)

    Daniel James Aiello, owner of Midtown Moped in Sacramento and a longtime freelancer who wrote for the Bay Area Reporter and other local publications, was found dead in his shop…

    Keeping an Eye on Interest Rates

    Keeping an Eye on Interest Rates

    The Federal Reserve and the monetary policy it pursues is always a matter of interest to investors. The level of intrigue has been particularly acute this year because of growing…

    Two Sedans that Need to Come Out of the Proverbial Closet

    Two Sedans that Need to Come Out  of the Proverbial Closet

    Upscale can mean many things. For some, it translates to straight-ahead luxury, like a shopping spree through Union Square’s prestige names. For others, it means having a car that’s sportier…

    Making San Francisco Streets Safer for Seniors

    Making San Francisco Streets Safer for Seniors

    By Marcy Adelman Walk SF, a San Francisco nonprofit pedestrian advocacy organization, is working to make San Francisco a safer, more walkable city for pedestrians. Seniors and lower income communities…

    Ann Rostow: Tough Morning at SCOTUS

    By Ann Rostow Tough Morning at SCOTUS The oral arguments before the Supreme Court in the marriage equality cases were disconcerting. I have rewritten the opening line to this column…

    In the News

    In the News

    By Dennis McMillan UniteForMarriage Holds Rally at San Francisco City Hall As the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on four cases that may determine the future of marriage equality in…

    NCLR’s Work in 2015 and Beyond

    NCLR’s Work in 2015 and Beyond

    By Christopher Stoll, Esq. As we edge closer to a U.S. Supreme Court decision that could bring the freedom to marry to same-sex couples from coast to coast, we at…

    NCLR to Honor Idaho Navy Veteran and Couples/Legal Team in Historic Supreme Court Marriage Case

    NCLR to Honor Idaho Navy Veteran and Couples/Legal Team  in Historic Supreme Court Marriage Case

    The National Center for Lesbian Rights will honor a retired Navy veteran and NCLR client who is fighting to bring LGBT equality to Idaho, and NCLR will also honor the…

    Ensuring Equality in Healthcare Access

    Ensuring Equality in  Healthcare Access

    For those who think “separate but equal” laws are a thing of the past, consider the newness of marriage equality (for some), or the ongoing plight of our immigrant communities…