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    The Lavender Scare

    The Lavender Scare

    Teacher Lyndsey Schlax of the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts is teaching the nation’s first on-site high school LGBT course, according to district officials. In this column,…

    Hope Rises for City College with Susan Lamb at the Helm

    Hope Rises for City College with Susan Lamb at the Helm

    Susan Lamb, Interim Chancellor of CCSF, hit the ground running. Over the past 5 months, since her appointment, she has been skillfully leading the college and guiding its continued evolution.…

    Jane Kim Is In, Chancellor Lamb Is Honored, and City College’s Rough Road Ahead

    Jane Kim Is In, Chancellor Lamb Is Honored,  and City College’s Rough Road Ahead

    The State Senate Race Gets Interesting Next year’s election to succeed termed-out State Senator Mark Leno has gotten a little more exciting, with Supervisor Jane Kim’s recent announcement that she…

    Why Local Elections Need You

    Why Local Elections Need You

    By Alex Randolph Growing up in Germany, I watched my mother and godmother organize people against nuclear power plants because of the aftermath from the Chernobyl disaster. The environmental disaster…

    Two Fine Choices for Rideshare Driving

    Two Fine Choices for Rideshare Driving

    Chances are, you’ve been a rideshare rider. Uber, Lyft and Sidecar have transformed the previously cab-starved San Francisco into a place where a cheap ride across town is a few…

    Key Races in the November 3 Election

    Key Races in the November 3 Election

    Another fall, another election season. Many of you may have already completed your vote-by-mail ballot and sent it in. If so, thank you for voting! If you have not, I…

    Ruth Linden Helps Others to Navigate Our Nation’s Complex Healthcare System

    Ruth Linden Helps Others to Navigate Our Nation’s Complex Healthcare System

    No one should have to face hospitalization, surgery, or illness alone. Ruth Linden founded Tree of Life Health Advocates in 2014 to help her clients navigate through the increasingly complex…

    Vote Yes on Prop A: More Affordable Housing Without a Tax Increase

    Vote Yes on Prop A: More Affordable Housing  Without a Tax Increase

    Prop A authorizes a $310 million housing bond to finance the construction, development and preservation of affordable housing that prioritizes seniors, middle income families, veterans and disabled persons. Prop A…

    Champions of City College

    Champions of City College

    City College of San Francisco (CCSF) is one of the largest community colleges in California, and yet since 2012, it has been threatened by the loss of its accreditation due…

    Path Forged, Next Steps Needed

    Path Forged, Next Steps Needed

    We just finished celebrating the DCCC Ultimate Women’s Power Luncheon hosted by Leader Nancy Pelosi. Last year, the luncheon featured Hillary Clinton. This year, it honored Senator Boxer, and every…