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    Oakland’s Housing Crisis—Success and Moving Forward

    Oakland’s Housing Crisis—Success and Moving Forward

    On September 30, I along with my colleagues on the City Council held a Special Council Meeting on Hous­ing and unanimously passed Oakland’s Housing Equity Roadmap—a comprehensive plan to address…

    Get Covered in 2016

    Get Covered in 2016

    Life-saving changes are well under way through federal health care reform, or the Affordable Care Act, and we must stand up to the chal­lenge. We all know someone with no…

    In the News

    By Dennis McMillan Protections for Transgende Foster Youth Signed into Law Legislation authored by Senator Mark Leno (and co-sponsored by the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Equality California and Transgen­der…

    Making LGBT Lives Visible Again

    Making LGBT Lives Visible Again

    On October 7, Governor Brown signed the LGBT Disparities Reduc­tion Act that requires four state agen­cies to collect voluntary self-reported demographic information on sexual orientation and gender identity. This bill…

    Ann Rostow: She’s Still Standing

    Ann Rostow: She’s Still Standing

    By Ann Rostow She’s Still Standing My friends, I thought I was done with Kim Davis back in August. Yet every two weeks, the minute this column goes to press,…

    Post Fleet Week: LGBTs During the World Wars

    Post Fleet Week: LGBTs During the World Wars

    Teacher Lyndsey Schlax of the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts is teaching the nation’s first on-site high school LGBT course, ac­cording to district officials. In this column,…

    First Monday in October 2017

    First Monday in October 2017

    On the first Monday in October, the U.S. Supreme Court commenced a new term. To mark the occasion, Marriage Equality USA sent each of the five Justices who voted in…

    Margaret Cho Provides Further Proof of San Francisco’s Magic

    Margaret Cho Provides Further Proof of San Francisco’s Magic

    If the Pope could get John Boehner to resign, couldn’t he use his special powers to bring back Nancy Pelosi? It would be an answer to my prayers. #KateClinton The…

    News Map

    In the News By Dennis McMillan Castro Street Fair Is Set for October 4 Always the first Sunday in October, from 11am to 6pm, The Castro Street Fair is located…

    Ann Rostow: Make It Seventeen Minutes of Fame for Davis

    Ann Rostow: Make It Seventeen Minutes of Fame for Davis

    By Ann Rostow Make It Seventeen Minutes of Fame for Davis Grandstanding Kentucky clerk Kim Davis has been in and out of the news for the last couples of weeks,…