By Ann Rostow I Get a Kick Out of You I was just reading about the fact that Psychology Today continues to run classified ads for conversion therapists, when I clicked onto…
By Dennis McMillan Senator Leno Introduces New Effort to Close Ellis Act Loophole Senator Mark Leno has introduced new legislation that would help mitigate the negative impacts of Ellis Act…
Even the most confident and strong among us can feel defeated by legal troubles, but that’s where Alma Soongi Beck, Esq., comes in like a superhero, resolving complex issues concerning…
(Editor’s Note: This article marks the debut of new San Francisco Bay Times columnist Assemblymember Phil Ting, who has been a longtime ally of our community. As you can see…
(Editor’s Note: A while back, we mentioned the future launch of a new San Francisco Bay Times column authored by Oakland Vice Mayor Rebecca Kaplan. We are now delighted to…
Bayard Rustin believed devoutly in the American ideal, the “self-evident” truths that all of us “are created equal” and endowed “with certain unalienable Rights,” including “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit…
By Don Dickerson It is an exciting time for Fitness SF as we build our brand within the thriving San Francisco Bay Area communities. Although Fitness SF is a fairly new brand,…
By Ann Rostow Worst Governor Ever The premise of Thomas Frank’s 2005 polemic What’s the Matter with Kansas? was that voters inexplicably support people and policies that undermine their own…
What’s a delegate? Why should you care? What does that have to do with anything? Those who have been immersed in Democratic party politics long enough probably know the answers,…
Shame on Them Shame on the BART Board of Directors. On Thursday, February 12, the Board voted to ask the Alameda County DA to criminally prosecute the #blacklivesmatter protesters who…
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