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    Take Heart, Political Junkies: It Gets Better

    Take Heart, Political Junkies: It Gets Better

    By Rafael Mandelman For San Francisco political junkies, 2013 was a bit of a bore: three uncontested citywide races for City Attorney, Treasurer and Assessor, and an essentially uncontested race…

    National and Local News Map

    By Dennis McMillan Indianapolis, IN – Mary Cheney Headlines Same-Sex Marriage Fundraiser – 12.11 The daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney came to Indianapolis to help raise money to…

    A More Equal 2014

    I always take stock of what I’m grateful for around the holidays. After having completed my first year as a member of the state legislature, the list of things for which…

    Fortnight in Review

    By Ann Rostow She Went To the Liquor Store! Is it my imagination, or have the holidays snuck up on us really fast this year? Halloween was just a week…

    Begin Preparing for 2013 Tax Filing Today

    Begin Preparing for 2013 Tax Filing Today

    Although Tax Day may seem like it’s a long time from now, it’s never too early to evaluate your current tax situation. Doing so can enable you to take a…

    Entry and Privacy Rights

    Entry and Privacy Rights

    By Nancy M. Conway In the land of landlord tenant relations, entries into premises either can be routine non-events, sometimes bringing welcome repairs, or they can be harassment and intrusions…

    Fortnight in Review

    By Ann Rostow Corporations…Corporations Who Love Corporations Hello dear readers. The holiday GLBT news lull continues on its meandering drift towards Twelfth Night, and yet we are not completely becalmed.…

    National and Local News Map

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan Denver, CO – LGBTQ Latinos Face a Broken Bargain in American Workforce – 11.14 According to a new report, A Broken Bargain for LGBT Workers of…

    Avoid Post-Holiday Emptiness by Filling Your Spirit, Not Just Your Shopping Bag

    By The Rev. Jude Harmon The holidays are a time of great merrymaking, of giving and receiving wonderful gifts, throwing fabulous parties, and reconnecting with old family and friends, but…

    How’s Your Anus?

    How’s Your Anus?

    By Dr. Naomi Jay, RN, NP, PhD It’s been a wonderful month for anal health! Researchers and patient advocates had a busy pre-Thanksgiving week. You might have noticed the article…