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    Sparkle Harder

    Sparkle Harder

    By Joanie Juster– The relentless marine layer of one of the gloomiest June Glooms in San Francisco history lifted a bit on Pride Weekend, providing some welcome warmth and sunshine…

    A Call to Embrace the Constitution, Even as the Supreme Court Abandons It

    A Call to Embrace the Constitution, Even as the Supreme Court Abandons It

    By John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney– Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote a powerful dissenting opinion to last month’s disturbing U.S. Supreme Court decision, issued by the extremely conservative Republican-appointed Court’s supermajority,…

    CA Hate Hotline Launches as New Report Shows Hate Crimes Rose in 2022

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting– Despite increased awareness and education on how wrong it is to discriminate, bully, harass, or assault someone based on race, religion, sexual orientation, and other protected…

    Oakland’s Budget Passes, Includes Rapid Response to Homeless Housing

    By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large– On June 26, 2023, the Oakland City Council successfully passed the proposed budget for the coming two years, including our amendments. This included…

    Donna’s Chronicles, “Pride in San Francisco is back in full force…”

    By Donna Sachet– Pride in San Francisco is back in full force, standing as a beacon to those who live elsewhere and do not share our freedoms, legal recognition, and…

    Solidarity Dinner for Asian, Black, and LGBTQI+ Communities Helped Kick Off Pride Month

    Solidarity Dinner for Asian, Black, and LGBTQI+ Communities Helped Kick Off Pride Month

    On Tuesday, June 5, 2023, the San Francisco Department on the Status of Women, in partnership with Asian Women’s Shelter, Black Women Revolt Against Domestic Violence, the Office of Transgender…

    20th Anniversary Trans March

    20th Anniversary Trans March

    San Francisco Bay Times columnist Joanie Juster was among the many who participated in the 2023 Trans March, which marked the annual tradition’s 20th Anniversary. The March took place on…

    San Francisco Pride Parade 2023 – ‘Looking Back and Moving Forward’

    San Francisco Pride Parade 2023 – ‘Looking Back and Moving Forward’

    San Francisco Pride President Nguyen Pham along with other board members, staff, volunteers, and supporters carried the banner officially opening the 53rd Annual SF LGBT Pride Parade on Sunday, June…

    San Francisco Bay Times Volunteers – Making It Happen Annually!

    The San Francisco Bay Times is grateful for the volunteers and supporters who regularly contribute their time, expertise, and resources, making possible our ongoing community services. The assistance they provide,…

    Celebrating Queer Bodies at the Gay Games

    Celebrating Queer Bodies at the Gay Games

    The Gay Games is a competition for LGBTQ+ athletes from around the world. It was founded in 1982 by a group that included Olympic decathlete Dr. Tom Waddell, as well…