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    Security Deposit Know-How Can Save You Money and Headaches

    Security Deposit Know-How Can Save You Money and Headaches

    Security deposit complaints top the list of landlord tenant disputes year after year. A well-planned exit can ensure you get your deposit refunded in full. A well-planned entrance will protect…

    US Government Shutdown Hurts HIV/AIDS Research, LGBT Livelihood

    US Government Shutdown Hurts HIV/AIDS Research, LGBT Livelihood

    Members of our community are among the hardest hit from the US government shutdown that, as of this writing, continues. According to a recent federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, at least…

    Kippy Marks for Grand Duke

    Kippy Marks for Grand Duke

    Editor’s Note: Violinist Kippy Marks is a music columnist for the “Bay Times.” He often accompanies singer and dancer Gypsy Love, who is our astrologer. We are very proud of…

    Openly Gay Writer/Director Kyle Patrick Alvarez Talks About His Latest Film: C.O.G.

    Openly Gay Writer/Director Kyle Patrick Alvarez Talks About His Latest Film: C.O.G.

    The first film adapted from the work of David Sedaris, C.O.G.—the title means Child of God, not Capable of Genocide—has many vivid moments, such as David (Jonathan Groff) sleeping on…

    Use Your Imagination to Fuel Creativity, Not Anxiety

    Use Your Imagination to Fuel Creativity, Not Anxiety

    Physician and holistic health guru Deepak Chopra believes the world is creating a new identity. He suggests that, by merging science and spirituality, we’re transcending deep-seated divisions and cultivating a…

    Butch Up!

    Butch Up!

    I love butches! Most of all, I respect them. Unlike their femme counterparts, they don’t get to pass. As a self-proclaimed out lesbian femme aggressive top — TMI — I…

    Devilry Afoot

    Devilry Afoot

    Before I begin this morning, I would like to complain and whine for a few minutes. Our “good” computer has decided to sever its relationship with its keyboard. If you…

    Profiles of Compassion and Courage: Steven Underhill

    Profiles of Compassion and Courage: Steven Underhill

    Today I’m profiling one of our own, Bay Times photographer Steven Underhill. If you don’t know Steven, you are likely familiar with his work, as he is one of the…

    Why Do We “Otherize”?

    Why Do We “Otherize”?

    “Otherizing” means placing people outside of the circle of “us.” It appears to be an innate and universal human capacity. It’s dangerous, because as soon as we see people as…

    Building a More Successful LGBT Business Community

    As Golden Gate Business Association’s recently hired Managing Director, I am humbled to stand on the shoulders of giants. GGBA has played an important role in shaping the conversation around…