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    Butch Up!

    Butch Up!

    I love butches! Most of all, I respect them. Unlike their femme counterparts, they don’t get to pass. As a self-proclaimed out lesbian femme aggressive top — TMI — I…

    Devilry Afoot

    Devilry Afoot

    Before I begin this morning, I would like to complain and whine for a few minutes. Our “good” computer has decided to sever its relationship with its keyboard. If you…

    Profiles of Compassion and Courage: Steven Underhill

    Profiles of Compassion and Courage: Steven Underhill

    Today I’m profiling one of our own, Bay Times photographer Steven Underhill. If you don’t know Steven, you are likely familiar with his work, as he is one of the…

    Why Do We “Otherize”?

    Why Do We “Otherize”?

    “Otherizing” means placing people outside of the circle of “us.” It appears to be an innate and universal human capacity. It’s dangerous, because as soon as we see people as…

    Building a More Successful LGBT Business Community

    As Golden Gate Business Association’s recently hired Managing Director, I am humbled to stand on the shoulders of giants. GGBA has played an important role in shaping the conversation around…

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    Sister Dana Sez, “There’s been a lot of talk about whether Congress will pass a budget by the end of this month – or instead, as some Repugnicans have called…

    National and Local News Map

    Sacramento, CA – California Calls on Federal Government to Provide Equal Benefits for LGBTQ Vets – 9.11 Large bipartisan majorities of the California State Senate and Assembly have approved AJR…

    I’m Not Just a Marriage Equality USA Volunteer, I’m Also a Client

    I’m Not Just a Marriage Equality USA Volunteer, I’m Also a Client

    One week from today, I expect my life paradoxically to stay pretty much exactly the same, yet at the same time to change utterly, in ways I’m not sure I…

    Imperial Court – Living Legacy of Absolute Empress

    Imperial Court – Living Legacy of Absolute Empress

      The Bay Times joins with many this week who are pausing to remember José Julio Sarria, Absolute Empress I, The Widow Norton, storied founder of the international Imperial Court…