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    Coronation 59 Seasons of Love & Annual Cemetery Pilgrimage

    Photos by Rink and Doug Litwin

    The Imperial Council of San Francisco’s leadership, members, and friends welcomed guests from locations throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and beyond to the Coronation gala that was held this year on Saturday, February 24, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco.

    Marking the culmination of a week-long schedule of events, the Coronation is a tradition observed annually when the outgoing Emperor and Empress are celebrated and the incoming royals are introduced and crowned.

    The Coronation each year is attended by Queen Mother I of the Americas, Empress Nicole the Great of San Diego, who is the leader of the International Imperial Court system. Affiliates in 27 states, 4 Canadian provinces, and the nation of Mexico participate. Empress Misty Blue, head of the Council in San Francisco, led the organizing process for the 2024 event.

    Reigning monarchs Emperor Bob Glas and Empress Linda Summers were crowned and celebrated by a host of monarchs from prior years, including out-going monarchs Emperor Michael Anthony Chua and Empress Cameron Stiehl-Munro.

    Photos by Rink
    Photo by Rink

    Among the elected officials and dignitaries and elected officials attending was featured speaker California Senator Toni G. Atkins, President Pro Tempore Emeritus, who was preparing, as an announced candidate, for her campaign seeking election as the next Governor of California.

    Additional details about the event are included in the Donna’s Chronicles column in this issue of the San Francisco Bay Times, as reported by Donna Sachet, Absolute Empress XXX, who has served in various Imperial Council leadership roles.

    San Francisco Bay Times photographer Rink was honored at the Coronation with the Bob Cramer Humanitarian Award for his services in encouraging diversity and also promoting and documenting the Council’s activities and charities for more than half a century.

    On Sunday, February 25, the annual Pilgrimage to Colma ceremonies,  emceed by Empress Sachet, included a ceremonial visit to the resting place of the Council’s beloved founder, Empress I José Sarria. The program included music by the San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band, the Official Band of the City of San Francisco.

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    Published on March 7, 2024